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March 12, 2016
March 12, 2016
I'm so sadded to hear about Brother Howse. I just found this notice in my email so I am late.

I loved reading all his accounts and the progress and interesting stories of the work around the world.

A great loss, but we know he is in the sleeping car on the train headed for Jehovah's kingdom and will soon hear the call to wake up and disembark.

Love and hugs to you all from Oklahoma!
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
I wanted to say an extra thank you to all of you dear brothers and sisters who not only set up this site but also contributed your personal experiences and thoughts in reference to our dear Bro. Weldon. An un-expected emergency arose and I almost missed the Memorial Occasion but as I frantically read and followed the instructions. When I finally got connected I was heartsick to only hear people milling around in the background until I heard a brother's voice request those in attendance to be seated for the last portion of Weldon's Memorial and what a treat it was!!...... because I had lamented about the fact that I had never heard Weldon's voice except via the E-Mails! How forsightful of the brother ,Weldon chose,,. to tape an interview with him....Once again, Weldon was teaching us not only by example but in words what it really means to be a FOOTSTEP follower of Jesus Christ our exemplar. May Jehovah bless all of your endeavers in behalf of the Good News especially those of you who are in far flung places around the globe........Much Christian Love to All . 
Betty Wilson..North Milwaukie Cong..Portland, Oregon
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
Dear Brothers,

I was able to listen in here in Texarkana, AR. The speaker Br Meeder (sp?) did a beautiful job, I could feel his love for Weldon and the story about Weldon dropping by at dinner time was so cute, I loved it. But more than anything I loved all the references to Weldon's love of people. Even tho I only knew him from being on his mailing list, I already knew how much he loved people *S*

Thanks again for all your hard work in making Weldon's memorial available to us, it was a great pleasure!!
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
Truly Jehovah's promise of a new system draws us closer to him each day, each time we lose some one we love in death.what the effort and expense which went into sharing brother Weldon Howze love for Jehovah,only deepen in all Jehovah's people,is to truly appreciate Jehovah, show heart felt love for people,help as many as we can know Jehovah.Thank you Weldon family
March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
Just about everything that can be said about our dear friend Weldon Howze has been said. I can add nothing further. I, too, am grateful for his wonderful letters that we all enjoyed and were encouraged by. I also appreciated talking via phone on several occasions, the last was just a week or so prior to his death. Weldon set a Christian standard that all of us should attain to. We all look forward to seeing him in the resurrection!
February 28, 2016
February 28, 2016
Although I never personally met Weldon, he was so very dear to me. My dear brother sent pictures, wonderful experiences and made me feel like we were getting ready to sit down for tea. He just "just made us come." His love, joy and loving demeanor made me feel as if I was sitting right there with him. I am looking forward to the time when we can meet personally. When we have our youthful vigor and are able to speak with resurrected ones to help them get to know our great God Jehovah. When we can all be on the path to eternity together. Boy, was that brother loved. Won't we all love meeting our dear brothers like Abel, Noah, David, Hannah, Ruth and Naomi; and, of course, our dear Weldon. Hallelujah! Praise Jah!
February 27, 2016
February 27, 2016
We so enjoyed our time with Weldon, Sal while they were at Bethel together, and the both of us in Mexico. He witnessed to everyone and was such a fine loving example to all of us. We know that Jehovah will call and Weldon will answer, and our God will make him stand. He will always have a special place in our hearts.
February 27, 2016
February 27, 2016
A poem is coming up later here, but first, a little background. I met Weldon briefly in the mid-fifties when I was pioneering in the Brooklyn Heights congregation before I went to Gilead. We didn't connect again for 50 years, when I got on his list. Then he got on my list. Over time, we became pen pals and phone pals. The last time we spoke was just before I moved to Ecuador last July. The last time we had an email interchange was a month before his death. We were always quick to mutually respond—a lesson I learned from him.

I mentioned to him that since leaving the U.S. I have not heard from many friends, even relatives, as before. Only a few on my list check in. (A fact, not a pity party.) Surprisingly, Weldon replied immediately and said 'his emails had dropped off too.' As you know, at the end of his letters he also always invited friends to share their news, however briefly. 

I have read every one of these notes about him. (Some were written as though speaking to him.) How he would have enjoyed them! He was a communicator with the sole intent of directing attention and glory to God. We all loved him for that, as does Jehovah, who has him safely tucked away in his memory.

And now, the poem: (for me. a reminder, for sure)


  Why do we wait till a person is gone
   before we tell them their worth?
  Why do we wait, why not tell them now
   they're the dearest person on earth?

  Why do we wait till a person is gone
    to send them flowers galore—
  when a single rose would have meant a lot
    if we'd taken it to their door?

  Why do we wait till they cannot hear
    the good things we might say?
  Why put it off, why not tell them now
    and share in their joy today?

  Of course, we're busy, that's our excuse,
    we've said it a million times.
  But why do we wait to speak of our love
    until it is too late?

         (Author Unknown)
February 18, 2016
February 18, 2016
What can you say about Weldon. He crawled into so many hearts, and mine was one of them. He was a great friend to me, a spiritual father at times, and always an encouragement. We shared so many amazing spiritual conversations, every one a treasure. Weldon cared deeply about people, and his love, care, and desire to help people influenced my spiritual growth, and shaped what kind of brother I strive to be. We all miss our dear friend, BUT, not for long. See you soon dear friend!
February 3, 2016
February 3, 2016
Like many of you, when I heard the sad news about Weldon I was so heartsick and somehow it was so surreal! Weldon was always so available, can you still hear him say, "Hello, this is Welll...don"? Were you affected like I was when he wrote regarding his telephone number: "Please do not call, no one will answer", I have to say, my heart was in my throat!

After being in the truth since a child and knowing many, many very spiritual brothers and sisters, I must say that he was one of my most profound mentors. He taught us how to live, and how to love and how to evolve into a better person, just by being Weldon, by having a "quiet strength" and a persona of "calm energy". In his final letter Weldon spoke of "we little men", but for one, Weldon was not "a little man".

Many times I asked Weldon if I could sit at his feet some evenings and write his story! He said that a couple of others had offered, maybe one of you dear friends reading this Tribute were one of them. Weren't his stories endless? My husband Walter and I were able to travel in theocratic activities all over the world, and every time we had a new adventure, Weldon was our first "telephone stop". When we traveled, we never wanted to have the friends" indulge" us for a place to stay or eat, but we wanted to show hospitality to friends of Weldon's and get to make them our new friends! So, whether it was visiting the German Branch* or a small town in "who knows where", Weldon had a "contact", and we met so many friends, perhaps you who are reading this we have met through Weldon. Beside, whenever anything was new in the truth (and has it ever been lately), Walter and I called Weldon for "the theocratic scoop". The recent changes at the Bethels worldwide was something he was very fluid with, he always knew exactly what was going on at the Annual Meetings, but always staying within proper boundaries and very gracious with his compliments regarding any change.

Strangely, he called us about 10 days before December 11th, he wanted to make a trip up to Sacramento where we now live, and I had a chance to ask him "Weldon, was anyone (in the Truth) killed or hurt in the Paris attack?", he told me no. Anytime there was any kind of tragedy, (like the children killed in New Town, Conn.) hurricane, etc, we always knew that Weldon would have the story. What a loss for all of us, he was our "touchstone" to what was happening around the world, thus we feel very connected to you dear friends who are reading about Weldon and mourning this very, very, phenomenal brother. One of my foremost identities with Weldon is that, due to him, I too, go "outside the box" but he taught me to appreciate those who stay "inside the box" as well. Are we not rejoicing that Jehovah had such a treasure that gave Him such adoration and isn't Jehovah "yearning for the work of his hands" (Job 14:15) for our dear brother.

In closing for my tribute, I want to remember Weldon by implementing the legend that he left for us, care and reach out to those in need on every level, he did that for all of us, now it's our turn. At times he had struggles for being authentic, but he was a survivor, may we all be our best authentic selves.

We will make the trip to Santa Barbara on February 27th to remember, cry and plan together for his return.

*When we visited the German Branch in the 1990s, Weldon put us through to Ramon Templeton who serves on the Branch Committee (he and Weldon knew each other in California in the "old days"). What an introduction! Brother Templeton was very hospitable. Weldon loved when the December 15,2012 Watchtower (pages 17-21) came out with the Life Story of Brother Templeton and three of his friends in the article "Friends For Life and Only Getting Better". Weldon knew all four brothers and rejoiced in the wonderful accounts of their lives, he really got a kick out of that article :)
January 19, 2016
January 19, 2016
Two Days Blue – Missing You
Before I came to know the truth on 12/11, I celebrated the day I was born.
On 12/12/13 my father’s death still fresh in my memory I mourn.
12/11 was no longer a significant day until I learned of Brother Howze’s death.
With glee another email from him I see. WHAT! His final letter? I can’t even catch my breath!

My own special memory of the passing of two very special men I once knew.
On two consecutive days the last month of each year I’ll admit will cause me to feel blue.
Bittersweet memories flood both my head and my heart and at the same time embraces my soul.
I smile through my tears for the resurrection promises we’ll see you both return to us whole.
Written by: A.R. North – Mission, TX - USA
January 18, 2016
January 18, 2016
It is a month later after you've gone to sleep in Jehovah's memory and I am still feeling the bitter-sweet pain. We are not glorifying you, but simply loving you as you loved us. Just as our Lord Jesus said would be the true mark. You have set this example for so many people of your generation. Re-reading your letters from my years collection, I am warmed each time as if I was getting a new email from you. May we carry the flame you lit in us for the fine work of being Our God's Kingdom proclaimers. See you at your awaking.
January 16, 2016
January 16, 2016
As Weldon gets a most-excellent night's sleep, and even though we believe... 'He will call', we miss him and his encouraging chats.
Our tribute turned into a "Story". 
Please go to the Stories tab above.
S. Suchy
Fillmore, CA
January 13, 2016
January 13, 2016
In 50 years of being honored to carry Jehovah's name my dear wife and I have enjoyed more wonderful privileges than we deserved as well as many blessings from Jehovah yet the grandest privilege and blessing was knowing Weldon for many years. It always perplexed me as how one imperfect man could go thru his whole life and never have one unkind word come out of his mouth. Weldon was just that one man!
January 12, 2016
January 12, 2016
When Weldon passed a month ago, I didn't know what to write. I could not quite believe that I would not hear Weldon's always enthusiastic
greeting over the phone again. I moved far from California- to Ireland,
then Sweden- yet Weldon would call regularly. Just today I have found the photos and more importantly to me the audio recordings of his distinct voice speaking to congregations. This made me smile again.
January 8, 2016
January 8, 2016
Dear Family & friends of our precious Brother Weldon,

While I will not be able to attend the Memorial Service or visit the close family & friends (and many he did have indeed!) because I am in SOUTH AFRICA, I wish Jehovah’s comfort and strength for all of you! [2 Corinthians 1:3,4]. Weldon comforted and strengthened so many of us with his letters of encouragement. [Romans 1:12]

Truly, as Jehovah says “death is an enemy” rightfully so! It brings pain & sorrow when loved ones die; but that enemy will be brought to nothing very soon by our reigning King Christ Jesus! Through the death of a dear and precious Son of Jehovah who gave his life in love, other sons & daughters will live again! [John 3:16 ] We will see our dear brother along with all the other faithful ones. Jehovah’s promises are guaranteed – they have all been made YES by means of the Christ and we have a hope that is sure! A hope that rests on the greatest love ever shown to humankind. [ 1 John 4:10, 19 ]

I look forward as all of you do, to seeing our dear brother soon and to welcoming back many loved ones – a dear son Clayton, a brother, a father, a grandmother and so many others as I ponder & reflect on this beautiful hope we have ahead of us! May your hearts even in pain, reflect with joyful hope on the promises of Our Father Jehovah!
[ Isaiah 26:19; Romans 8: 38,39 ]

My heart is with you in spirit and in deep love for you and for the Father of tender mercies that we all serve & who will give strength & comfort to all! The Living and True God, JEHOVAH is his name – there is no one like Him, no one that has shown greater love than He and Jesus have! While we may weep with sadness in our hearts, soon we will weep with overwhelming joy under the reign of earth’s rightful King, Christ Jesus! May you remain strong & steadfast, clinging to Jehovah Our God of love, who will not fail!

With warm affection,
Your sister in Johannesburg, South Africa

Angela R . Williams
January 5, 2016
January 5, 2016
Weldon Howze
  I don't know where to begin to tell you about my friend Weldon, he has been there for me since days of ventura con. in 1978 and his little house on 87 ramona in ventura and washing windows with him,
 'he said nothing looks whorse then seeing life through dirty windows'
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
We are very grateful for the information about Weldon. He meant a great deal to us.We first met Weldon in 1972 when he and nine others from Ventura came to Idaho to help us work our territory with the Kingdom News .After that we enjoyed his e-mail so much.They made us feel like we truly had an inside tract on what was going on in Jehovah's organization. We last saw Weldon in Sept. 2011. we and our daughter and her husband went to Santa Barbara on a vacation trip out west. Weldon certainly had a very positive effect on everyone who knew him and that certainly includes us. It would be wonderful to attend the service for Weldon but that would be impossible for us.We are currently living in Guanajuato,Mexico. Thank you again for your kindnesses to us in keeping us informed about Weldon. With warm Christian love and affection.
Phil,Anna Mae, Raul and Maggie
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
Weldon was one of the first brothers I got to know in Ventura in 1974. He was a gregarious and zealous Witness for Jehovah, as many can attest. Although we both moved from Ventura our paths crossed or intersected by people from all over the globe. Once, I was visiting a congregation in Mexico and met a sister from Columbia. Upon finding out I lived in CA, she said she corresponded through email with a Brother from Santa Barbara. "Weldon Howze", i asked. Her jaw dropped! Later she came and stayed a week with me and we visited the Santa Barbara congregation and spent an evening with Weldon and friends.  I often asked myself how someone could touch so many lives. Weldon was planted and rooted in the truth, while at the same time on the move. I had the opportunity to visit Bethel in Oct 2003. I walked into the lobby and who was the first person I saw? Weldon! What a joy it was to see his smiling face. I'm sure all who make it into the new world will feel the same way to see him in the resurrection. I certainly hope our paths cross again!
December 28, 2015
December 28, 2015
I first met Weldon in 1973 when I was a new study and visiting his congregation meeting in Ventura. He was so friendly and inviting. Years later he studied with my Father-in-law and Mother-in-law. In 1978 we moved away from Ventura County but Weldon stayed in touch. He was always so uplifting and encouraging. I still have e-mails on my computer from him as far back as 2004. Before that I would print them out and have a large folder full to reread whenever I need a spiritual boost. He will be missed by ALL who knew and loved him and those who only knew him through the forwarding of all those wonderful e-mails he wrote. We will see you in Paradise Dear Brother.
December 27, 2015
December 27, 2015
I have to echo Tony Whites' comments. In the early 1980's, new to the truth, new to Calif. New to the life of Weldon Howze. I remember the old small Kingdom Hall & the West Cong, my first one. Although I wasn't found in the door to door work directly by Weldon, he did attend my studies multiple times. I also worked for Weldon in his window cleaning business, along with other Bros, also new in the truth -- & a few, new to secular work. I think working for him was vital to my growth in the Truth. I got to see how Christians conduct themselves in the "off hours" away from the Kingdom Hall & how he treated us as employees as well, especially for those who needed a little more guidance & his patience with them. I can clearly see him now coming over to a freshly wiped window & immediately pointing to a spot I missed. It will be great to see & be with him in the New System. Thank you Weldon for a great foundation in the Truth.
December 26, 2015
December 26, 2015
I have met and known Weldon ever since about 1990. I have stayed over his house several times in the early 1990s enjoyed those visits with him. Also enjoyed visiting Santa Barbara. I was encouraged going out in the field ministry in the Goleta area. Honestly, I would read Weldon's kind of like yearbook emails more than the JW yearbook. So much looked forward to his emails, so encouraging, so faith strengthening. Will really miss you Weldon. Looking forward to seeing you soon in the resurrection.
December 25, 2015
December 25, 2015
I never met Brother Weldon, but what joy he brought. Getting a letter from him was like a miniature convention with all the experiences. What a treasure he was to have as a friend via e mail. I look forward to the new system and hopefully one day meeting this wonderful brother.
December 25, 2015
December 25, 2015
I met Weldon in 1961 when I arrived at Bethel. I was assigned to be his room mate. That lasted about two hours. He and Wally Frankenstein had made plans to room together, so I was reassigned. I feel fortunant to have known Weldon and while we have not seen each other for fifty years, we have been in contact via email over the years. Like others, I look forward to seeing him in the resurrection. You'll recognize him because of the big crowd welcoming him back.
December 25, 2015
December 25, 2015
It was a real pleasure to receive all these emails from Br. Howze. He did such a good work to compile all these contributions into a very encouraging email;-s, I kept many in a special file to be read once more on a hard wintry day. What an encouraging experience! It was very thoughtful of him to prepare the'Final letter' Well, we all will miss him, but now I think of him as one of those written in Jehovah's book of remembrance. Mal.3:16
December 24, 2015
December 24, 2015
Weldon performed the Memorial Service for my Dad, when he died, I could have never asked anyone else to do it and I still have his letter to me thanking me for asking him to do it for our family. I will return it to him when I see him again, which I know he will be there. Now it is up to me to be there when he returns for his totally faithful course in serving the one God, Jehovah. You are a special friend who never fades from Memory. I thank you for letting me know you as Jehovah will reward you for all your faithful service.
December 24, 2015
December 24, 2015
I never met brother Weldon but as I was reading his postings I could discern a real brother full of love always so positive and up-building! His excpressions reflected love and gratitude for Jehovah and his organization. How nice that he ended in such a faithful condition! I feel sorry for those who lived close to him and associated with him. Their loss is really great. What a wonderful hope we have to look forward to meet again all such faithful servants of our almighty god Jehovah.
Emmanuel from the island of Crete Greece.
December 23, 2015
December 23, 2015
"Footprints in the sand blow away, footprints in the heart stay forever."

When I read the sad news about our dear Weldon's passing away, tears were running down my face. They didn' t stop.

But now, one week later, I am focusing on the good thoughts he left for all of us. I am determined to imitate his positive attitude and his Christian love in action - always considering the new, discouraged and weak ones. What a fine example!

Although I never met him in person, I feel for him like a beloved friend. He really left a footprint in my heart.

Thanks for preparing this wonderful website to follow up his life!

I am looking forward soo much to meet him in paradise!

December 23, 2015
December 23, 2015
My husband, Gordon loved to correspond with Weldon through 26 years of circuit work. After Gordon died over 3 years ago Weldon continued to courage me.
December 23, 2015
December 23, 2015
Our beloved Weldon was so wonderful I have a large file of his letters and will reread them again. He was truly a Christ like brother full of love and all the qualities we should try to display. I will miss his letters deeply. I look forward to the paradise when we can meet and share, as well as make many more wonderful experiences. All my love to the family. Linda J Thomas
December 22, 2015
December 22, 2015
Cathy from China
asked me to post the following tribute she wrote about Weldon.

Being Caught!
I was first "caught" by Weldon at the table at UCSB. Then he made arrangements for me to go to lectures and made sure I was well taken care of. I have memories full of meetings of various kinds within his grand circle. Then I came back to China and literally separated from him in person. However, this powerful Weldon seemed to cast a net
around me, getting friends from all around the world - Australia, the U.S. and of course, within China. One night, a voice from a strange call haunted me: "Are you Cathy? I'm a friend of Weldon's friend. I'm
here in your University!" I thought, "Oh, my! Weldon caught me!"
"He wants to make sure that you are taken good care of!" continued the voice on the phone. Then we had a wonderful time with new friends he fished for me. I have been wondering when I will be caught
again next with such super treatment. 
"Weldon, I'm here! Catch me again!" Cathy
December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015
Dear Brother Weldon was our modern day Barnabus, an Encourager. Look forward to the Resurrection Party we can give when we see him in Jehovah's Promised Paradise!
December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015
I remember when he came to Arizona. I loved hearing of all his experiences. I loved receiving his emails on the brothers and sisters from all over the world. He was truly a gentle loving man.
December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015
Weldon and I began our life-long friendship while at Bethel in the late 50's. We choose to share the same supper table, and exchange background, spiritual experiences, and love for study and research. Our phone calls were frequent, especially with the recent organizational adjustments and JW broadcasting programs. A world-class "people person" inviting experiences and personal spiritual victories, his quiet nature and interest in what was happening in "your life", made you just want to share with him. Always loyal, obedient and faithful to the end, we are confident that in the resurrection, he will be keenly interested in everything he missed while sleeping in Jehovah's memory. I'm sure we will be most anxious to recount exciting experiences that will thrill him as it has us. Have a good rest dear brother!
December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015
I'm glad I asked him if I could be on his email list and not just had them forwarded to me from someone else. It was the only time I got to talk to him via email. He asked me where I was from and what congregation I was in. He really cared for each and everyone on his list. Maybe one day there will be a movie about him like there was of "Big Eyes". It would be called "Weldon's List"......
December 21, 2015
December 21, 2015
Weldon - He loved God and his fellow man like no one I've ever met before. He will be missed by all and especially Jehovah, who no doubt rejoiced every day when He watched Weldon get out of his bed and into his trusty green Volkswagen and went off to plant and water wherever he went. He endured to the end. Jehovah longs for such ones to live again.

   Job 14:14,15
    If a man dies, can he live again?
    I will wait all the days of my compulsory service
    Until my relief comes.
    You will call, and I will answer you.
    You will long for the work of your hands.

Let's all endure to the end so we can all welcome Weldon back!

Xander and Lisa Steevensz
December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015
Back in the 60's Weldon would "show up" in our graphotype department on the 13th floor of the Sands St Bldg. Then, he'd be taken away on a special assignment. It wasn't until we got computer literate that we got back in touch. He'd comment on the columns I write for our local paper and encourage us to share our experiences with others. We, along with the rest of you will miss him dearly.
December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015
This tribute was added by Verona Griffith .

Wow, Weldon has so many true friends and I haven't known him long but his letters full of experiences were a highlight in my life. Oh, how I hope I will be there in the new world so I can get to know him better as from all the comments, he is a very special person, and I say, 'is' because he will live in our hearts until we see him again. I'm so grateful that Jenny forwarded his letters to me!!
December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015
Even when one falls from the path, remembering a good name lives true to its meaning of Weldon. He touched my heart, at a very tragic time in my childhood. He was my friend! Having loving father figures was a true blessing from the congregation and Weldon was one of many. My condolence to his family.

Michelle McKenna
December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015
Though never having met this amazing brother I have felt so close and encouraged by him through his wonderful gift of sharing . For a little while he will be missed terribly but soon , so soon , we will see him again . Thank you for such kindness .
Always , Teri
December 19, 2015
December 19, 2015
I remember Weldon as the helper to all, he used to pick up hitch hikers, total strangers and give them a ride to ventura from Ojai, having a " captive audience" he started many bible studies, he also helped my husband and I start up a rug Doctor business seeing that we needed work, I miss him but now he is ready for work, just resting!
December 19, 2015
December 19, 2015
1Tim 4:16 )pay constant attention to yourself and your teaching
Weldon in many decades of faithful service to Jehovah,demonstrated
he payed constant attention.he set a wonderful example ,with Jehovah helping him every day. 
Agape love to family members ,his spiritual brothers and sisters around the world.
December 19, 2015
December 19, 2015
When Weldon came to the Ventura West congregation in 1969, it was as if some strange, rare weather phenomenon had struck; so I usually say, "When Weldon hit town!" I was just a young girl, and he made an indelible impression on me. Often when we meet someone we're drawn to, that person reminds us of someone else. Weldon reminded me of *no* one, and no one has come along in all those 46 years who reminds me of him. He was unique, in the strictest sense of the word, requiring no adjectives--the only one of his kind.

His love for Jehovah and love for people were legendary. As an introvert, there is no way I could even begin to emulate his unmatched "people-person"-ness! But he has inspired me to set a few modest goals in that area for the coming year. And I look forward to telling him all about it very soon when we welcome him back in the resurrection.
December 19, 2015
December 19, 2015
Weldon's was a very fine example of a LIFE WELL LIVED. He was one who did not "put out the fire of the spirit" (1 Thessalonians 5:19). Instead, as much as his health and circumstances allowed, he lived to honor Jehovah, magnify His name, proclaim the good news of the Kingdom, and enrich the lives of all his friends and correspondents.
As many have commented already, he always remembered those he met and he sought to deepen those connections. Bakersfield's native son was a fine Christian through and through. Just as Jehovah is not forgetful or unrighteous (Hebrews 6:10), those of us whose paths he cross will not forget him. The next time we see him I expect that he will be a "prince" in the New World.-- Psalm 45:16
December 18, 2015
December 18, 2015
We too loved very much plants and flowers. Our house is full of them. My mother who is exactly one year older tan Weldon, born on 1 sept of 1929 in France is still alive. We never got to know this dear brother, but some 3 or 4 years ago,another brother from California that I saw for the first time when I visited this part of US in 2003 started to send me those wonderful letters and we inmediately were very attracted with this great interchange of love and strengh. We especially appreciated the lot of work involved in picking all the comments of the differents Friends all over the world telling us their joys and also their challenges and how Jah helped them in their ways, -when we got a new message it was like a gift. Sometimes we spent 2 full evenings to read those stories. As for us we felt very encouraged to see the fruits of the message in those countries where poeple have been dominated by governments and religions. As I am living 42 years in Spain as a pioneer we have seen a big increase beeing 10 000 the number of witnesses at that time and now 120 000. But it s true that though poeple know us, we compare with the explosión of the work in African countries. And I must testify that it was a true joy to read those letters and I used them to encourage others, translating parts of them with old and discouraged bro and sisters and especially a bro with whom we studied 37 years ago but who has a terrible psychiatric problems and I must confess that every week I phone him, there was always a part of those experiences shared. We appreciate very much what bro Weldon did. I have been ewactly doing so with the hundred of Friends with whom I maintain correspondence and mails during almost 50 years. It s exactly the theme of new years text. Showing intense love to one another. we wait with great impatience to see dear Weldon in the Paradise and get to know him deeper and sit under a fig tree and listen to all his experiences. He is now in the best place he can. Thank you Merci
December 18, 2015
December 18, 2015
A few people step into our lives and leave an uneraseable print. Weldon was that kind of person. His kindness was unstoppable; his sincerity was unimpeachable and his love for others was unfailing. Though sadness envelopes us, hope keeps it from burying us into dark depression. We shall see him again.
December 18, 2015
December 18, 2015
I'm sorry, I forgot your name. Could you give me your name again please?
Weldon: “How do you like your hamburger cooked?”
Well done, I said
Weldon: “Weldon”

Back when I was an UCSB student, I used to help Weldon carry the box and table back to his green diesel Volkswagen. During our walk to his car, he would tell me about all the different people he talked to at the table.

After UCSB, I was in touch with him through his newsletters/emails. I didn't read most of it because those emails are usually very long.  However, I would save them in a file and use it in my talks. I would do a keyword search to look for a story that illustrates my point and include it in my talk to make it memorable. Thank you for being my friend.

Weldon, I won’t forget your name.
December 18, 2015
December 18, 2015
Weldon..."A One In A Million" He had Love in Action.  We were all drawn to Weldon because of his loving kindness and his appreciation of the smallest things. An ice cream cone...A "Dollop" of gravy on his breakfast biscuit. He made those around him feel warm and cozy. His Love for Jehovah was in the smile on his face and the sparkle in his eyes... All of Us CANNOT wait til He is back and feeling great!  I personally will miss our "Little chats with friends over coffee" when I visit Santa Barbara.  Love u  Weldon   Kay Harwood from Iowa :)
December 18, 2015
December 18, 2015
Our dear brother Weldon,
Always so positive and up-building! The epitome of an excellent communicator and letter writer. He was our pen-pal for over ten years although we never met. Looking forward to meet him in the New World. Not long to wait now! Frank and Maria Jardim (RSA)
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