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December 18, 2015
December 18, 2015
Dear, precious Weldon was a unique, hospitable, Gentle Man. Never too busy to talk in person or on the phone. Many times we shared a "cuppa" while on the phone as we had an interchange of encouragement....I had known Weldon for many years in the Santa
Barbara/Goleta area and when my husband, Donnie, and I began Full-timing in our motorhome in 1996 we kept in touch. Traveling the 48 for 10 years put us in contact with many brothers and sister in Jehovah's vast family. It seems that when we said we were from Santa Barbara and Goleta the immediate response was. "Do you know Weldon Howze?" Even on trips to the Hawaii Branch and Grand Cayman and to
Garden City, Kansas. Everyone knows Weldon. 
  Which brings me to a 'joke' which circulated and which hit Weldon's funny bone. " Seems Weldon & another brother were traveling in Italy when the brother said he'd like to talk to the Pope. Weldon said, 'Oh I
can fix that up. See that door over there? Well, when you see me on that balcony up there with the Pope you just come in that door and you'll be directed to us". Being very skeptical the brother watched as
Weldon entered the door. Much time passed and finally someone came out onto the balcony. The brother saw a gardener nearby and asked him if he knew who was on the balcony. The gardener squinted a bit and finally said, " I'ma don't know who is in the dress but the guy in the suit isa Weldon Howze."
  What a loving, giving brother was Weldon. Serious about the truth but with a sense of humor to balance his marvelous personality. His was a true imitation of faithful ones of old and of all the faithful modern  Witnesses of Jehovah on earth today.Those who were privileged to know Weldon in person or thru his e-mails have know a great man.. a true servant of Jehovah and imitator of His Son, Christ Jesus. In the resurrection we'll tell him all that happened and he'll say, "I knew that Jehovah would continue to bless His people",,
December 18, 2015
December 18, 2015
Tho I never had the privilege of meeting this dear Brother, Weldon left an indelible impression on EVERYONE he met either in person or via the internet, the importance of manifesting the self-sacrificing love of his model, Jesus Christ. As a true light bearer he expended himself, to the glory of our Loving God and Father, Jehovah.
How like Weldon, to leave us a "Final Letter" knowing, how hungry we would be for, a least, one more word from him to buoy up our sad hearts and also his life story so those of us who did not get to know him might get to know him better. May we all remain faithful and be there for his welcome back party......In the mean time, may we all take a lesson from his example of taking the time to "encourage and incite to love one another and ALL THE MORE SO, AS THE END DRAWS NEAR"   No.Milw Cong-Portland< Or
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
My Grandparents, Horace and Ethel Kosier, brought Weldon into our extended family in 1947 when they were assigned to Taft to establish a Congregation there. My parents, Jim and Alice Boyd, remember him fondly from those early years. Always zealous and enthusiastic he was always a treat to visit with. Paul and I always treasured our visits when Paul gave talks in Santa Barbara. Weldon was a spiritual treasure to us and we will certainly miss his letters, too! Let's ALL plan for a wonderful Resurrection Party when he awakens!! He will be so happy to see we remained faithful to the end, as he did!
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
Late Bro. Weldon was a brother i will always remember for his encouraging words. A brother i never met but closed to my heart. How comforting to have the hope of RESURRECTION. I missed you.
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
Your last words to me was calling me a "princess" ànd I will forever be grateful for the meny ways you hàve touched my life for the better. The kindness and love you had and even in your death -sleep you have remembered us leaving us such kind words. I! I bawled!! Then I dried my tears and went out from early morning Witnessing till late afternoon. Just what I know you would smile and approve of me doing because you were always in full agreement with Jehovah our God Who really, really love us to have given us gifts of your sort. I'm looking forward to seeing you when you will be vigorous,loving and in perfect health. I love you my dear Brother.
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
I was introduced to the writing world of Brother Weldon by a friend who had known Weldon for years. (In fact he and his wife are in one if these Memorial pictures with Weldon). They would pass his letters on to me which I came to love VERY much and passed on to one of my dear friends. Sometimes there would be experiences about people I knew which I had not heard about. It made our brotherhood globally like a tight knit family connected and woven even tighter by his emails. Finally one day my family was in Mexico attending the English DA (mid 2000's) with the friends that personally knew Weldon, and they told me Weldon was at the convention and they said they would introduce me. I remember he was so pleasant, dressed with a bow tie. He was particularly interested in the fact we lived in Iowa since he was coming there to see some other friends. We gave him a standing invitation to stay with us if he passed thru Des Moines, but unfortunately it didn't happen. I am happy I had the opportunity to personally meet him and I know the future he lived for is now in his grasp. His final letter was the perfect end to a great life, very thoughtful and reflected his concern for all...even those he only met once....It reminded me of some of the words of the Apostle Paul at Hebrews 13:22 when Paul wrote a powerful but "Short letter". I will miss his emails, they always made me encouraged......but this final one made me cry. Thanks to JH for the hope we have!
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
I could only hope to echo the beautiful expressions for such a loving brother. A dear friend and sister would share Weldon's emails with me, at which point I would also share with others. His news was too good not to share! Many of us are shedding crocodile tears for a man we did not have the good fortune to meet, but surely hope to be there to meet him in the future! Hopefully, we can all find ways to express our love "outside the box" and exude Jehovah's deep love for the creation made in his image. Thank you all for sharing your wonderful experiences about him. All praise to Jehovah, the God of the living. Our thoughts and prayers to the family and friends that love this dear brother.
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
Tammy and I received Weldon's experiences for 9 years now. Always enjoyed them. Was always struck by how encouraging and long they were. The variety was so instructive and useful. We actually worked in Ojai, Ca. in Sept. 2011 for a week. The next day we went to Santa Barbara and spent 5 hours in his living room and what a gab fest we had!! I vividly remember in his office a huge library and I have never seen multiple rolodexes like he had. Please take the time to read all these tributes-we will all grow spiritually if we can in some small way emulate this Friend of Jehovah!!
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
I first met Weldon around '95 when we just started the first Chinese group in the South. A couple were getting his letters. It was suggested to have him out to give a talk. I was his translator. His talks were always fantastic as he took you off the outline and brought you into the reality of the Truth. But much more, we became lifelong friends. Fast forward to July '96. We traveled together to the Fremont, CA Chinese Convention. There a lost sister from Malibu recognized Weldon and asked if he knew where Nancy Yuen was. This led to her & her traveling companion Judy coming to Nancy's house Monday after the convention. That night meeting Judy, it was love at second sight all thanks to Weldon. Our first date was in conjunction with a Chinese talk I gave in Santa Barbara a week later. A year later both Weldon & Nancy spoke at our wedding & how they both had a part in our meeting.
Judy says she learned to show hospitality from Weldon, as you all know, there was no one like Weldon in showing hospitality. Also his love for the Chinese. And as far as informal witnessing, no matter where I went with Weldon he had a way of introducing Jehovah to that person. I always remember Weldon and his appreciation for beautiful flowers, like the ones he would grow! Also his wisdom and experience & years at Bethel proved to be invaluable in giving advice when we were going thru trials both inside and out. Some of us know it wasn't always easy for him!
We too are waiting for that banquet of well-oiled dishes, wine & well done marrow.  Nick and Judy Arcuri
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
Although my life is inextricably linked to a very small part of
Weldon’s life, it is nonetheless, an important part of mine. In the
late ‘90s, Alice began sending me Weldon’s Emails, so full of
uplifting experiences and reports that I was instantly hooked. After
requesting Weldon to put me on his mailing list, I began getting
acquainted with the man behind the pen, or shall we say, the man
behind the computer?
In 2000, I set the goal of serving where the need is great, and my
tentative destination was Belize. However, after reading a report
from Weldon about the English speaking work in Mexico, I knew
immediately that this was right, this was something I could actually
make work. I expressed my feelings to Weldon, and he continually
encouraged me to “step over into Mexadonia”. In 2002, Alice and I
made an auto trip through California and part of Mexico, to look
around and see if my idea was practical. When Alice and I met up in
Los Angeles, the first thing she asked me was what I would like to do
in California. I replied that I wanted to meet two people with whom I
had been conversing through Email… Dennis and Weldon. After visiting
with Dennis and his family in Camarillo, we headed to Santa Barbara to
find Weldon. He knew we were coming, and we had a plan to eat lunch
together. When Alice pulled the car up to the curb outside Weldon’s
house, he met us on the sidewalk with the words, “So this is Karla!”
and he just opened his arms for a big hug. Then he proceeded to guide
me to his house, describing in detail his flower beds, the palm trees
and all the lovely things I couldn’t see. Later we ate a scrumptious
lunch in a restaurant, sharing a chocolate dessert, chatting all the
time, then Weldon took us to a Kingdom Hall that had recently been
remodeled in a beautiful Spanish style. All along the route, Weldon
was describing the different kinds of trees and scenery, and I was
simply amazed at his consideration for my lack of vision.
2003 found me winging my way to Leon, the closest airport to
Guanajuato, where I attended my first English convention in Mexico.
Upon hearing of my plans, Weldon contacted Mike, who lived in Mexico,
and told him, “Karla is going to Guanajuato for the convention, and
she is blind. Please watch out for her!” Mike and his friend, Leslie
did indeed watch out for me, and then Weldon showed up too. Weldon
promptly asked me if anyone had described my surroundings in
Guanajuato, then he began, “This is gorgeous country, the deepest blue
sky, rolling hills covered with grass and lovely trees and flowers,
and the buildings… oh, let me describe the buildings. Here is a house
that is purple, there is one that is a pinkish orange, and this one is
a color that I don’t even know a name for.” He made the whole
experience come alive for me, painting it all in vivid colors and
identifying wonderful smells. Most importantly, he never doubted that
I could accomplish my goals and encouraged me consistently with Emails
and phone calls.
He was right, serving in Mexico English was one of the best
experiences of my life, and I am so thankful that I had that joy.
Returning to the US, moving to Alaska, then Oregon, Arizona, Texas,
then back to Alaska, Weldon’s Emails and phone calls followed me every
step of the way, continuing to encourage and assure me of his loyal
support and warm affection.
Yes, Weldon will be missed but not forever. When he returns, I hope
these pages will still be around to show him how much of an impact he
had on so many lives and not the least, to assure him of OUR warm
affection and appreciation for his years of faithful service to
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
I know Weldon from the mid fifties...I was a young girl who went to Woodhaven Congregation in Queens, New York with my family. Weldon loved flowers....he was always involved with the floral arrangements at circuit assemblies.  I met his brother Jerry later on. They were both Bethelites at the branch in Brooklyn. We lost touch with each other until one day my husband shared an email experience he had received from a friend - and there was the name Weldon Howze in the experience. I thought, could it be the same Weldon I knew way back when.....well, it was - and he remembered me and my family very well.
He had such kind words to say about my mom who had passed away in 2007. . We will miss his long letters and encouraging experiences from all over the world. Look forward to seeing him again.
December 17, 2015
December 17, 2015
I knew Weldon via the e-mails he sent to encourage. I first read his e-mails when they were forwarded to me by a sister. I was in an inactive state then. I was encouraged by all of the wonderful experiences that were shared and I wanted to be a part of that again. Eventually I requested to be on his e-mail list. I haven't missed a single letter and I have them in a safe place. I will enjoy reading them over again. Weldon was a brother who loved to share and he encouraged us to do the same. I will miss him.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Weldon's newsletters found their way to me through a friend in Denmark. My wife and I who are pioneers in Honolulu, were greatly encouraged by the wonderful experiences in his letters.

We never had the opportunity to meet Weldon but I was privileged to communicate with him through email. We shared experiences and our love for Jehovah and the worldwide brotherhood.

Weldon never slowed down, always ready to share his trove of experiences with everyone. We will miss him very much and look forward to welcoming him back soon. 

It was so thoughtful of him to archive his life story for us, nice to read about a truly thoughtful brother. He will not be forgotten by our God Jehovah.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I really can't remember how long Weldon was a part of my life as he would just step in and feel like family that had always been there from the moment that he met anyone. I do, however, know that he was there for years and years. I will always remember and appreciate all the effort that he put forth having talent shows and gatherings for young and old to either participate in or to be an audience for. They were always fun, entertaining and spiritually up building for one and all.
I will forever be grateful for his positive spirit, his words of encouragement and theocratic wisdom and his obvious brotherly love.
Thank you Weldon for your loving example and your mutual love of words, the brotherhood and our father Jehovah. It is with sad hearts that we await your return, but with joy in knowing Jehovah's promise that that day is very near. We love you deeply and will imitate your faith.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
My dad was in bethel with Weldon he had good stories about them, he will be missed but not forgotten.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I first met Weldon in a coffee shop in Santa Barbara in June of 1993. We had a wonderful conversation about God, Jesus, and the Bible. By November of that same year, Weldon had convinced me of the need to have a regular Bible Study using the book "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth". After about a year of ups and downs, Weldon invited me to live with him and share the rent. This lasted for about two-and-a-half years. During that time, I was able to get baptized and pursue the full-time ministry, leading to Bethel service for one year. After that, Weldon continued to reach out to me and encourage me in various ways, just like he has done for so many others. I am so grateful that Jehovah allowed me to get to know Weldon. He helped me to draw closer to Jehovah, and for that I will be thankful forever.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Weldon had a rare quality in that he was always reaching out to encourage people. "How can I leave this person better than I found them," was his way of thinking.
It is rare to find someone who communicates so readily but we are all going to communicate like Weldon in the new system. Love and hugs always my brother. John Sanderson Brisbane Australia
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
The Spaffords introduced us to this wonderful brother over 20 years ago - and Weldon kept in touch with an incredible personal interest. It always amazed us how much room he had in that larger-than-life heart, his capacity for letting people into it was endless. Can't wait for Weldon's resurrection party! Missed, but loved ...till he gets returned from the 'waiting room'. ~ Russ & June-Ann Dorsky, Scotland
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Dear Weldon,
May Jehovah bless you and keep you. May Jehovah make his face shine toward you and may he favor you. May Jehovah lift up his face toward you and assign peace to you.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Bro. Weldon was someone that I want to meet, to sit around a campfire with and to listen to his stories in the New System. I never had the pleasure of meeting him in person, but like so many, benefited so much from his emails that seemed to come when I needed the boost of association with my brothers so much. His emails could turn a rough day to a 'mini-vacation' where I could imagine being in the different places he sent the experiences from. We will have a lot to tell him about what happened after he went to sleep, and we will miss him. His worldwide circle of friends is a great tribute to his devotion to Jehovah.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I have loved Weldon for more than 40 years. He has,a special place in my heart. He supported and encouraged me during some hard years,when I was a young mother and new Christian He taught me lessons I wIill always remember.. He was an extraordinary man with the ability to connect with people in the most loving way. He was genuinely interested in all people. My heart is aching but I will focus on the beautiful hope of the resurrection. He is safe in Jehovah's memory and soon we will rejoice with him in working to restore this earth to the splendor Jehovah originally purposed.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Having been in contact with Weldon for many years, I had the opportunity to meet him on one of my trips to California. Three years ago my wife and 3 granddaughters (9, 13, 16) we were going to pass by Santa Barbara so I called Weldon. With enthusiasm and warmth he welcomed us to his home. What a wonderful visit, the highlight of the trip. His kindness was so expressive to all of us and it is hard to express his wonderful demeanor. He was a genuine loving an individual as one could meet. In just 2 hours what an impression he made. Weldon will be missed and we will be looking forward to seeing him again in the resurrection.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Once you met Weldon he NEVER! Forgot you! And how could you ever forget him!! He is a loving brother and friend and will be forever missed while where alive here and him asleep in death. I consider it one of my greatest privileges to have known him. I love you Weldon and can't wait till I see you again!!
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Although I've never met Weldon, I've had the wonderful opportunity to receive many of his encouraging, well-written emails. He was always so upbeat. He truly was a man of faith. I look forward to meeting all the men of faith from the past and those, like Weldon, who have lived in our generation. Can you imagine how long it will take to get to know each and everyone and listen to their life stories and experiences! FOREVER! "...the best is yet to come"....The REAL life!!!! My sincere condolences to the family and his many friends.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
We look forward to finally meeting Weldon in the New World. Both my husband and I enjoyed getting Weldon's love letters, sometimes coming just in time to bolster us up when we feel our failing health was getting to us. There is so much to look forward to in the New World, one of the things we focus on is the end to pain and sorrow. I look forward to having a cup of tea with you Weldon, and may that day come soon!
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
For us Weldon was a wonderful friend. He will be sorely missed. We have all admired the love shared by him and his wonderful teaching abilities in service. Soon we will see him again young with lots of strength in a different world that we are all looking forward to being there. When we were at the Kingdom evangelizers school at the beggining of this year there was a class regarding singleness. Mario and I asked Weldon to share with us his life as a single person serving Jehovah for the class. I think that this is a good moment to share the letter he sent us. This is what he said: 

Dear Mario and Carol:
       What a pleasure to hear from you two and to know you are in the SKE (now I’m wondering if in Spanish that would be ERE?). It would be a privilege to tell you just a little about my life—but the big question is how or where to start. I’ll try to give you something
       It would be a privilege to tell you just a little about my life—but the big question is how or where to start. I’ll try to give you something.
       We were a large family with mom and dad and 8 kids. I was number 2 and my mother had 7 boys and how much we loved our little sister. We learned the truth with a Bible study in 1941 and six of us from the family were baptized in 1942 and I was 11 years old, almost 12. We lived on a farm and learned to work from the youngest age and we worked hard. I loved books and loved to read and spent many hours in reading, often late at night when I should have been sleeping. And when we learned the truth I read all our books, some more than once, sometimes in the field as we worked (irrigating the fields gave us time to sit and read).
       I carefully tried to do what was suggested in our Yearbooks. There it was strongly suggested we learn to work in some field that would allow us to pioneer. I followed that. I graduated in 1948 when I was 17 and when January 1, 1949, came I began to pioneer for I was now 18 years old. We were from a small country congregation and that was made up of family for we had many cousins, etc. My cousin and I pioneered together but we did not talk about getting married. I asked the circuit overseer to send me away from home (after pioneering there 3 years) but somewhere within the circuit. Lo and behold! He did just so – to the one congregation on the other side of the mountains and that was in Bishop, California, 250 miles from home.) We were a congregation with 10 publishers.
       Soon I was attracted to Bethel service, something I had not considered before. One year after leaving home I was invited to New York. There I served 16 years with some marvelous privileges and an incredible education. It was my joy and great privilege to work 10 years in Administration as secretary to Brother Grant Suiter who was a member of the Board of Directors (or GB today) and how kind and gracious a man he was – a teacher. 
       With all that, from a small town with a few publishers I was now in a congregation that was almost all Italians and lots of beautiful young sisters. I was 22 years old but a single brother. What to do about that? I remember talking to my roommate, a single young Italian brother from Connecticut, who was in the same congregation with me. I told him I wanted to stay single and use my life to help as many as possible. That was what I’ve kept doing. In New York I had some marvelous field servicer experiences—including one where a husband and wife with 4 children all accepted the truth—after a real battle to leave the Catholic church and with their extended family. In the congregation we had one woman with 2 young sons and she would come and ask me to work with her sons in the field service. What a joy to know that one of those boys has been in Bethel service for many years and has helped in producing some of our very finest study material through the Writing Department. From the family I’ve now had the joy of meeting children who have grown up and have introduced me to spiritual grandchildren.
       I am now 84 years old. My life has never been easy for we all have the need for love and affection and intimacy. It has taken much prayer for strength, for help in times of struggle and the warm promise of Isaiah 41:13 to take care of each day’s trials. But Jehovah’s love and kindness has never failed me. 

My warm Christian love,
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I first met Weldon in 1978 when my family moved to Ventura. As a teenager, I was amazed at his ability to remember people's names and details about them. People were important to him, and he always made you feel like you mattered to him. It was a special gift that he had. I had the privilege of being in the modern day drama The Case of the Little Blue Car with Weldon in 1979. What an experience it was! Weldon and Martin worked tirelessly to make it a real and poignant talk for all. It's an encouragement to hear all the stories of lives he touched and people he encouraged. Until we all meet again...
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
My name is Perla from San Antonio Texas. I honestly don't know how I got connected to Brother Weldons Emails. But after reading one I knew I wanted him to be my friend and asked him to keep me on his list. He shared the most amazing experiences from around the world. It strengthened me spiritually. Jehovah always puts good friends in our path when we most need it. Especially during my battle with cancer and when I was the weekest I would get the emails from Weldon and I would read it. He encouraged me to keep strong and to lean on Jehovah. It lifted me up and reminded me I was not alone. Jehovah gives us power through our spiritual friends (Isaiah 40:29). I'm blessed to have known Brother Weldon by emails and will wait to see him in person very soon in Paradise!
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I enjoyed Weldon's newsletters for a few years and shared parts of them with others but had not actually met him. In the spring of 2015 4 sisters and myself from Paradise, Ca planned to attend the Orchid Festival in Santa Barbara. I recalled that Weldon lived in that city so I emailed him and asked if we could meet him while we were there. He was the epitome of graciousness. Also, he said he never missed an Orchid Festival and agreed to come with us. One thing that impressed me was the 4 large Rolodex files he had on his desk. I have never seen anyone keep such extensive information for maintaining contact with friends. We sisters felt that being with Weldon for most of that one day was the highlight of our entire vacation. We also got to see first hand his extraordinary ability to connect with strangers. He took us to his favorite beach access to view the ocean. Our feet had barely touched the ground when we saw Weldon talking with a middle-aged man who had just come in from surfing. He was still in his wet suit. We assumed Weldon must have known him because of the warm interchange that was taking place. He had not. That initial meeting turned into several return visits and Weldon even being invited to a big family breakfast with that man. Weldon clearly raised the bar for emitting love of people and turning that into sharing the truth with them.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I've been so blessed to be one of Weldon's spiritual kids. After witnessing to a newly transplanted to California 19 yr old who was there alone, he offered guidance, and all these years he has always been a constant dad figure, I'm so thankful Jehovah gave me this dear brother to guide me, from 1983 till his falling asleep, Jehovah is willing I would like to be there to meet him when he awakens, so close at hand , with lots of love Tony White
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I did not know Weldon, but it seems he was a loved brother who encouraged others, I look forward to getting to know him in the new world.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
My fondest memory was working the table with. Weldon at the college
He never slower down. we first met. Weldon in woodland hills
Jerry Beck introduced us and a group went to lunch. That was in. 1977. We have shared our lives ever since
We are also living next door to his moms trailer in miners oaks. Owned now by
Mike and Anne.Campbell. He is a treasure in our hearts shared by. Jack. Jeff and Doug 
As many said you could go on forever.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Today my heart swells with so many memories and gratitudes. It was 1979 and my first time to any sort of meeting of Jehovah's Witnesses. He gave the discourse at the Madera Assembly Hall. I was 16 years old and very impressed by the love and kindness of Jehovah's people. Many years later as a single mother living in Visalia, CA my phone rang, it was Weldon inviting my daughter and I to hear his public talk, he was always fanning the embers of my faith. In 2007 I dedicated my life to Jehovah. He delighted in seeing my grandchildren, his smile so bright an genuine as he commented on their innocent beauty. I enjoyed watching him help my husband refine his public talks. It was a special delight to stay with him and cook for friends and family that gathered in his home. Most impressive though was watching him strike up conversations in the park, at the orchid show and then see how he cultivated these encounters into bible students and visitors at the Kingdom Hall.  I look forward to celebrating his resurrection.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I was always thrilled to see a letter in the inbox from Brother Howze. I am grateful he took the time to compile all the wonderful experiences and creative witnessing methods from all over the world...He will be missed by all. We look forward to many long dinners filled with great conversation in the Paradise with Weldon and so many others.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I will miss getting his emails for they always seemed to show up just when needed the most. I will miss him even more, and yes, I too am happy he died faithful to the end... Rest my brother until the Master calls you forth and paradise will be your forever home...
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
When i think of the bible account of the Uniqe, it reminds me ,,Jehovah is not a God of chance or coincidence. My first trip to Warsaw Poland was in 1996,returning in 1999, and that is when i met Kristoff Nuamzyk. Little did i know he was a friend of our beautiful Bro. Weldon Howz. I would return to Poland and Kris would mention his friend in Santa Barbara. Then about 5 years ago i recieved a email from Kris,he was returning to ca. I would only be able to meet Weldon on the phone,ans missing the joy of sitting with him. But Kris would return to Santa Barbara in spring of 2015,and Weldon needed a to see a dentist in Rosarito,BC. Again i am convinced That IF Jehovah is not a God of coincidence or chance,,,THAN neither are his PEOPLE or his ORGANIZATION. We picked them up in Santa Barbara and cruized on downto Rosarito. My inlaws ,Elias anc Cande Arciniega, my beautiful wife Ruth (thats a whole nother novel
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I don't know anyone else like him. I LOVED all of his letters, and he was so warm and caring. Like the rest of you, I cried when I read he had died. And then to leave us all with such a wonderful kind send off like he did - its just like him, isn't it? 

I'll (hope to) be right with the rest of you celebrating his resurrection.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Wow, I was shocked to see this was his "last letter." I guess I didn't realize his age. His letters were wonderful and I shared them with many friends who were struggling. Even the good news about the Syrian refugees reading the literature in the carts at the different borders, I shared with many. Hopefully someone will pick up where he left off and share with so many. He now has the free ticket into the paradise. Hopefully we can attain the same, knowing that difficult yet exciting times lie ahead of us who are remaining. May we encourage each other as Weldon did for us. Although I never met him in person, I look forward to doing so soon. In the mean time you are in Jehovah's hands and there is no safer place to be than that.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I met Weldon in the 50's while serving at Bethel. I was called in for some special meetings in 1964 while in circuit work. I can still remember how fast Weldon was typing on a manual typewriter! He was a wonderful brother. a hard worker and loved Jehovah dearly. He truly will be missed but what a wonderful hope we have of seeing him again.;
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
I once reassured Weldon that his letters encouraged all of us to become more zealous as we read of the trials, tribulations and triumphs of our world-wide brotherhood and engage in the ministry wherever that might be. We learned of awesome creative and heartwarming methods to accomplish this work successfully in areas that seem unresponsive. "Love never fails" really makes it's point when we read of simple human kindnesses breaking barriers and opening up the hearts of people who'd often misunderstood Jehovah's Witnesses. I loved Weldon like the old friend and brother he is and let him know this...I could not thank him enough for his efforts, and told him how he would be flooded with emails if everyone I forwarded to wrote to thank him also. I asked him to know how cherished he is and signed off "lots of bear hugs along with prayers for your every need being met by our loyal God Jehovah".....He sent me a symbolic bouquet of roses for my "very kind" letter....We will mourn for certain, such a dear brother. Praise to our God Jehovah for the "guarantee" of seeing Weldon soon.......Until then, I share tears with all of you.....
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
A flower is one of the wonders and treasures of JEHOVAH creation.
Weldon certainly was one of those treasures and a wonderful person.I met Weldon in 1999 when visiting a friend. I have always valued his friendship. His letters were always so encouraging and up building. He brought us together with many Bro and Sis world wide as he shared their letters and experiences. What a joy it was to read them. He always had a special place in my heart and will be remembered as missed. Waiting for the time when he will be back and busy again for Jehovah doing what he loved to do.
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Seems as though Brother Howze left quite an impression on a lot of people. That's what we do as Jehovah's people. Am looking forward to meeting this fine brother soon on the new world. Agape
Bob from Pendleton, Oregon
December 16, 2015
December 16, 2015
Jesus said that we should let our light shine and Weldon whom I never personally met, impressed me as one who by his conduct and his ministry captured what it means to serve Jehovah whole souled. When I came into the Truth over 50 years ago it seemed that we all had amazing experiences but as the territory produced fewer studies so also were the experiences fewer. Weldon reminded us in between our annual yearbooks that people are still flocking to the Truth. Laverne McDougall, Ontario Canada
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I talked to Weldon just last week as we often did. He was a very good friend and encouraging brother to say the least. He loved our dear God Jehovah. Certainly we all look forward to being together with him in the new system
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
My family never got to meet brother Weldon,, We do enjoy the letters he wrote to see how Jehovah is with our many brothers and sisters around the world and how brother Weldon could share some experiences with us all and we only had to spend a few minutes at our computer or iPads and our day was much smaller with problems. We will meet in the new system where all of us will not be pressed for time and never have to shed a sad tear,,, YB Jamie Woodworth from Union City, Pa
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Weldon was the first one I shared in field service with. He had come to Bishop Ca. to help my grandmother who was Company Servant. He came to Tehachapi, Ca many times where we had lunch together. He has always been such an encouraging brother to so many. I had the privilege of serving in Bethel while he was there. We will dearly miss him and now must stay on the chariot so we are there in Jehovah's righteous New World to welcome him back.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Our dear Weldy... For several years we, along with Eddie and Susan Littell, were priviledged to look after Weldon, Margie, Walter and Mary Karasek at the "district" conventions. It was something that my husband Phil and I genuinely looked forward to doing and we were richly rewarded with the pleasure of their company. Weldon was such a sweet and humble brother. So faithful and kind. It won't be long before we'll be sharing our stories with Weldon about the Great Tribulation, Armageddon and the preparation we made to welcome back the dead. He will no doubt have the same hunger to hear the news as he has always had in hearing our experiences in the past. Can't wait to see him again!
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