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December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I was heartbroken to hear the sad news. Only got to meet face-to-face once when visiting Santa Barbara... Weldon had left me a voicemail a couple of weeks ago and I never got to call him back. We used to chat once a month or so. Didn't know I would not have the opportunity. I will miss or phone calls. So sorry now!
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I met Weldon when he visited Austin many years ago. I had the pleasure of visiting him in Santa Barbara with Mona El Azzi. We had an opportunity of working the table with him at the University. I forwarded his letters to a list of about 40 people in different countries. His letters were a joy to read. I will miss him so much.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
My husband and I worked the table at UCSB with Weldon. He loaded his car with Bibles and Bible lirtature in every language from Arabic to Zulu and then he would have us load them on a dolly and push them from the parking lot down to the College. Many students there asked for Weldon by name. He was like a father to them. Many times he would invite foreign students to his home for dinner. Weldon was a good cook. He would also bring foreign students to the meetings. Weldon was special, he could strike up a conversation with just about anyone. I remember one time in particular when
Weldon approached one young man and the man said "I'm catholic I'm
Not interested." Weldon answered,"what do you think about the pedi file priests? Now you know no one else would ever get away with that response, but Weldon ended up having a friendly,lengthy conversation with the young man and he ended up giving him some Bible literature.
Those were memorable times. We will miss our dear friend.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
my name is Arlan and for the past 7 or more years I have witnessed a man that speaks volumes of love and integrity with a deep love for Jehovah and those he witnessed to. Tears are in my heart and feelings that are hard to express in a letter...
I have shared these letters with inmates who enjoyed and appreciate the experiences and the lives as proof of Jehovah deep love and how it can help us over come addictions and help change our lives.
48 years ago i was an inmate and got released and baptized in march of 1968.
Though jehovah calls we yet must answer to him helping us in our lives. In the new system jehovah will call ...Weldon will answer and another Resurrection will take place and many tears will follow among all who were waiting for this to happen...
Now I will share this final letter with some of them that write to. And I know this is going to hard on one of them as he enjoys as I have been helping him understand the bible and his name is Norris Nash. Went to prison for bank robbery and will get out in a year or so and says he will go to the kingdom hall at least once ...we know how that will go...
I have always included him my prayers as I knew he was burning the candle at both ends serving Jehovah.
I am not much by standards of the world but I know and seen the hand of Jehovah many times in many lives and it is very humbling. As long as jehovah uses us and we continue our part like the yesterday's WT...speaks about this love we need to be ready for the end.
Thank you for honoring his last wish for him and may you continue your love for the friends and never be afraid to shed a tear for the loved ones. I have seen many go to sleep to await the calling they will receive. many friends of mine and mostly Jehovah's friend like Abraham...Thank for all you are doing and I feel the pain as I continue to pray for the family and dear friends.
1914 was a year that this song was important to the brothers..." Onward christian soldiers marching as to war.." the spiritual war that began to fought continues today...Our song continues to be to go froward as christian soldiers of Christ Jesus to the end of this system of thing as we pass the 850 languages as the end draws to a close..Stay firm in the faith as it is all we have. jehovah loves all of us deeply...
Arlan thank you for the time it took to write this as it was hard...May we never forget that love is the key now and the coming new system...Paradise forever
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I didn't know Weldon personally. As many had come to know the love he had for Jehovah by his allowing us on his e-mail letters and come to know many of our brothers and sister from around the world. I would print out Weldon's letters, as he so fondly asked of us to do and read later cause they were long. He wanted us to savior the words written to go over the stories that would help us spiritually to keep our love for Jehovah strong. And when I was through reading them I would mail them to my son in prison. And those experiences would help him while being confined in a place that there was not spiritual comfort. This spiritual food help my son as they had helped so many in the same situation. My son is now a baptized brother and doing the best he can. I will miss Weldon's e-mails the love he had for those down and out. He helped me with excepting those who I may not of wanted to help. I want to thank those DEAR ONES who are still helping Weldon now that he is gone. Hope to see him in the Resurrection. And meet you in Paradise.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Wonderful and loving brother who truly will be missed. When ever I received a email for our dear brother it would fill my heart with joy and encouraging messages. A person like our dear brother you never ever forget and I am so glad to have been on his mailing list. Bye to a wonderful brother and a friend of Jehovah
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Still waiting for the tears to stop flowing. 
He will be missed by so many!"
Re-Na Hanson
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Today there is an ache where my heart should be. But I know Weldon would soon give a big smile and repair the sorrow. I look to the day when I can meet him, for to date we were just pen-brothers. I shall miss his letters.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I sometimes read Weldons letters late at night because they were so encouraging and I could go to sleep with happy experiences on my mind. What a kind brother to take the time to gather all that info into a letter and pass it on to us. He had a beautiful heart. He will be greatly missed. May Jehovah comfort his family and friends. Hopefully I will meet Weldon in Paradise.  Warm Christian Love,
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
reaching over to Australia for over 10 years sharing experiences and word of wisdom ,it has been a happy email relationship with a brother every enjoyed emailing with ,,
Always having time to answer and sometimes a bit of humour, an inspiration and a gentleman a dedicated brother will be very missed by me far away in Australia,
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Thank U so much for making this site!! Our breaking hearts will be comforted in the New World soon to come when we can see Bro.Weldon and get to know him personally. There are not words to express what & encouragement he gave us all thru his letters and shared experiences. Thank U, my Brothers, for letting us express our love for Bro.Weldon here. Will miss his letters so - I'm his spiritual Sister from Baton Rouge ASL CONG. Louisiana & so honored to have been acquainted.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Weldon Howze has ALWAYS had such a very special place in my heart & life. I write this with a very heavy heart but also with a smile of all the joyful memories I was blessed to experience with Weldon.
As a teenager, he played a BIG part in my life. He always kept me positive. Jehovah & him blessed me (while I was young) with the opportunity to share in the making of a drama. Also, through his many travels, my family was blessed continually by his visits as we were growing up in Kentucky....where he encouraged us to go, where the need was great. He was there for the marriage of my late husband Tony (whom I was with 22years). As well as comforting me with the loss of Tony, when he died of cancer. He has been a continual encouragement to me with my recent marriage as well( of 12 years; lol to a brother named: Weldon). I drive trucks for a living, sometimes I would ask to take long hauls to CA just so that I could stop by Santa Barbara & have breakfast or lunch with Weldon.
There's going to be such a BIG empty hole in my life without him.
It's like, we are ALL ON A TRAIN together & Weldon (along with many other loved ones) has gone back to the sleeper car while we are in other areas of the train; but we are ALL HEADED TO THE PARADISE. I will treasure the moment that I can go back to the sleeper car & say: Weldon !! We're HERE!!! Let me tell you what happened on the way!!!
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
So sad to hear about Weldon. No wonder I didn't get an answer to an inquiry about coming through Santa Barbara back to the LA area which is this very week. Yes, we will really miss him and his faithfulness in keeping us so encouraged with all those experiences from his friends from around the world and even when I was in China, another sis who lives in the U.S. and I were in cahoots and Weldon joined us in making sure a certain young man was being taken care of while he was out of his own country so as to further his progress spiritually. If his Memorial service was this coming Friday, perhaps I could be there...Who knows? Anyway, he was so faithful in keeping us abreast of all the wonderful things happening with the friends from so many places that I will certainly miss hearing from him very much...I only got to meet him and talk to him personally just one time at a Chinese convention in Fremont several years ago. He was always interested in the Chinese field and even had Bible studies with university students though he didn't know or learn the language. He was a very kind loving man. He will indeed be in Jah's memory.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I had the privilege of meeting Weldon in 1994 when visiting the USA. His loving, kind personality was evident from the get go. When we left Santa Barbara he handed me a large envelope with 34 pages, printed both sides, of experiences. He mentioned we would be spending many hours sitting at airports and that the experiences would help pass the time. How right he was! We never lost touch. He will be sorely missed by me and all those to whom I sent his emails.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
How sad it was to read of Weldon's death. I really looked forward to and enjoyed reading his emails. What a great encouragement they were and I even sent one of my own good experiences and he included them for others to read. I felt honoured! I'm just really glad to say he won't be forever missed as I will look forward to meeting him and telling him one day how much his messages meant to me. He is in Jehovah's loving arms and memory. He couldn't be in a better place.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
What a beautiful website for our dear brother Weldon. I'm crying tears of sorrow now, but plan on being there to cry tears of joy when we meet again. To his family and friends... how blessed you were to have him in your life. May Jehovah comfort you in all ways possible..
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Weldon will surely be missed. We had some good times discussing spiritual things, sharing Bethel stories and service experiences. Thank you Shaunn for helping our dear brother. We will for sure see each other in Paradise!
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I am both sad and happy tonight. ...So sad to read of Weldon's passing, and so happy that he remained faithful to Jehovah to the end of his life. I will so much miss his wonderfully encouraging letters. I know he is safe in Jehovah's memory and one day in the future I may be able to talk to him in person. I look forward to that day.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
As with many of these Tributes to Weldon I never met him, we never spoke, did not know what he looked like, and yet I felt I knew him. An -email from Weldon was a happy day that could be passed onto friends.and I guess they too passed that happiness onto others. How very kind and loving of him to prepare us all for this day. Thank you Weldon. Eve
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Like sister Evelyn Wepener said, I never met Wendon, but I wrote to him a couple times and he replied immediately with the information I needed. What a privilege to have known Wendon and enjoyed part of his life on line. Raquel Schullo/ECUADOR
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Rest peacefully, Bro. Weldon Howze. I, too, never met him personally, but he did much to spiritually encourage and inspire his many, many email readers. Look forward to meeting him face to face, in a world where NO ONE will ever again say, "I am sick". - Isa. 33:24; John 5:28; Rev. 21:3, 4
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I am in tears after reading Weldon’s last letter. How I look forward to see him again in paradise! My memories of him are vivid. I visited him at his home with my best friend from Ventura. He had invited some friends over to his home after the meeting we attended together. It was a lovely visit. Then he visited us in Ventura. I treasure the memories of this wonderful and kind brother. He was the easiest brother to truly love. To me, he was what our brotherhood is all about: Loyal Love. He is now in the safest place anyone could be, in Jehovah’s memory. He will be back and we will have the most heart-warming welcome for him. It will be wonderful.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Weldon and his encouraging letters will be greatly missed. Although knowing him for years via email, I finally met him at the annual meeting in 2004. He was just what I expected. He was a real people person and his love for Jehovah was evident by his love for the brotherhood. I was reading the above comments and thought of our December broadcast and the song at the end that said "And I love you even though I have't met you before." Yes, all those encouraged by him and never met him felt that way.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Like so many others, I never met Brother Howze personally but always looked forward to his mailings. Talked with him on the phone a few times. I will miss his letters about the experiences of so many of our brothers and sisters. He touched the heart of us all.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
What a beautiful man both inside and out. My husband and I met him this past summer, and enjoyed lunch by the beach. Heard his stories and always received encouragement from his emails. What a wonderful example for all true Christians in being up building to one another. You are safe my brother in Jehovah's memory and in ours.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I met Weldon as a "new boy" in 1968, my new roommate at that time,has been a friend ever since. Not often do you find a "paper person" that is at same time a "people person", Weldon to add to our joy, was surely one. We will miss him, but will catch up with him later. Let all press forward to that time.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I was very privileged to know our dear bro Weldon. He was always the most positive, encouraging and loving bro anyone could wish to meet. His messages were always designed to be upbuilding and giving praise to Jehovah. I'm certain that Jehovah will remember him in the resurrection of the righteous ones Acts 24:15
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
After many years of corresponding, I had the privilege of meeting Weldon when I gave a talk in his congregation in Santa Barbara shortly after September 11, 2001.  It was a pleasure to spend a day with him in conversation, service, at the meeting and a fine dinner together. We continued to stay in regular touch up to just a few weeks ago.  He visited at our home when he came east for the Annual Meeting some ten years ago.  Weldon showed extraordinary care for his brothers and sisters as well as all who would listen to the message of hope about Jehovah's Kingdom.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I am Weldon's nephew. The son of his only sister, Barbara. My memories of Uncle Weldon begin in 1969, when he came home from Bethel. I was about 5 years old then. I remember him and mom getting that old trailer set up for grandma and grandpa Howze on Arnaz St. In Meiner's Oaks.

As a boy growing up, I always got excited to hear, "Uncle Weldon's coming to visit!" It seemed that he ALWAYS brought several people with him. A few times, I think it took 3 or 4 carloads to ferry everyone over from Ventura, we would farm them out to various family members so they all had a place to stay, but man!!! The fun that we had!!! He always brought people who could play a guitar or a piano, invariably we would listen to music and have a singalong session. The memories.......
One of my most vivid memories of Weldon, I'll share, as many of you know, he never had TV in his house. One time, as a young boy, mom and I were at his place on West Ramona, in Ventura, I was very bored, it seemed that Weldon and mom were yakking on and on and on.... Anyway, I asked Weldon, in a sheer moment of boredom, "Weldon, why don't you have a TV that I can watch?".... His answer has stuck with me to this day, "Son, because it's the DEVIL'S eyeball!".

For the next few days, I watched no TV, because I kept having visions of Satan watching me with his eyeball. Classic Uncle Weldon. I treasure the memories of his visits, I was happy to give up my bed, so he could stay with us.

Now that he is awaiting his permanent reward, I think of his legacy. If this organization of ours had rock stars, he would be superstar status. But Uncle Weldon never aspired to that. His love for people was genuine, his sincerity and concern for you was real. His embodiment of the fruits described at Galatians 5:22,23----- " Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self control". I can't think of any of these that he was lacking.

May all of you find comfort in knowing that soon, we will be seeing and visiting Weldon again when his name is called and he is awakened from his rest.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Looks like Brother Weldon had numerous friends who like I will feel a loss. I can't begin to imagine how his beloved family must feel!!! The comments are all so beautiful and express how I felt about his encouraging emails. He probably had no idea of the impact he had on so many Brothers and Sisters lives. He brought me up from the dept of despair many times. My thoughts and prayers go out to his dear loved ones. How I long to meet Brother Weldon at the finish line. Hugs and love to all
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I never had the pleasure of meeting brother Howze, but saw pictures and read his emails. Funny how you become so close to someone you have never met just by their letters. What a dear brother. He will be missed. We will always be looking forward to the time when we will shortly see him again.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Enjoying reading how Weldon touched people's lives, whether in person or like me through emails. Weldon followed Jesus' example and always "wanted to" give his love and spiritual encouragement. Rest, dear brother and then awaken to share Paradise forever with all of us who love you.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I came across Bro Howze through emails- very sweet and encouraging brother. May Jehovah comfort his family near and far and I look forward to meeting him in the Resurrection.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
His passing is quite sad to hear no matter the age. I am from London England and the cousin of the former actor Martin Horsey who was an elder in the same congregation in Ventura when I first met Weldon in June of 1978. His spirituality couldn't be doubted even though I didn't necessarily agree with everything about his missives (assuming spirituality is defined as seeking Gods direction, approval and blessing in their lives). I guess a lot of witnesses will miss his vast contacts accounts of their service. He exhausted my thermal fax rolls in the late nineties and never gave up with the e mails in the noughties. He died on my birthday!
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I became "acquainted" with Weldon in the late 1990's when I gave an old computer of mine to my father who was dealing with cancer. Once he had the computer, his main goal was to search out old friends he had lost touch with over the years, many of them former Bethelites he had served with. Weldon was one of these, and that was how we came to be on his email list. I corresponded with Weldon a little after my father died and he shared some stories with me of his time at Bethel, once of the most memorable being the one of his roommate who fell alseep while eating a peanut butter sandwich, and left such a mess the housekeeper on finding it the next day was concerned for his wellbeing. In the years since my father's death, my mother and brother were fortunate to meet Weldon in person a few years ago at a convention in Wisconsin. He will be sorely missed until Jehovah awakens him.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I met Weldon on line several years ago when a friend forwarded one of his encouraging letters
I sent him an email telling him about how both my wife had come into the truth and what it had meant to us, Weldon responded immediately
And said he would put me on his mail list
Since that time I have eagerly waited for his next letter.I only spoke to him once on the phone. But his kind and loving voice matched his caring and encouraging letters.
He is missed , but we all can look forward to thanking him in person sometime in the future when Our Great God Jehovah restores all back to that Paradise that is promised
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
We came across Bro Howze through emails- So enjoyed his continuous encouragements. We will see him in Paradise. He will be missed...
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Weldon and I were friends long before the days of computers. He was a wonderful friend who lived his life as a loving , spiritual friend. Our wonderful God Jehovah has him alive in his memory. Soon he will return to all who knew and loved him
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
He will be missed until that time as he comes bounding back to find out everything that has happened during his stay in the sleeper car. My husband Darryl Rose and he were in the same congregation in Ventura, California that is shown in the photos and then both served in Brooklyn Bethel in the late fifties and early sixties. Both were so zealous in the ministry and innovative, always looking for new ways to reach peoples hearts. As one brother told me, Jehovah has set the day on his calendar to bring them back from their rest. Weldon certainly used his singleness to the full, not for selfish reasons but to help ones know Jehovah.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Weldon was one of a kind. what an exceptional brother, friend, and a man who truly walked with Jehovah. It seems unreal that he has passed. For many Weldon was a anchor of support to encourage us right through the end of this system of things and into the new world. What a privilege for all of us to come to know and have as a dear friend. Words cannot describe the emotions in our heavy hearts. But, knowing Weldon since I was 11 yrs. old I know that what he would want from all of us is to smile, laugh , and love Jehovah. The best remedy for us could be to reflect on the most happiest moment you shared with him and take a snap shot in your mind. Focus on that memory .. We will soon be united with him to add more encouraging, enjoyable moments of life praising our god Jehovah. For now he would wants us all to do our best in following his superb example of being encouraging and incite love to one another.

Over the 46+ years Weldon and I have had many of conversations and beautiful times together, Jehovah's new earth cannot come fast enough for to be united with him again
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
So very sad to hear. Such a Faithful brother. We now live in Hawaii, and we not surprised that even people here knew him. He will be missed
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I have a folder full of letters forwarded to me for years and only recently talked to Weldon on the phone and started receiving his letters directly. I had wondered why I hadn't heard from him for a while, now I know why. He will be sorely missed and I want to send my condolences to his family. We all look forward to seeing him in the new system and being able to get to know him personally.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
So sorry to hear about Weldon.I live in Nova Scotia,Canada and was able to have Weldon add me to his list.I had been doing some research on a family from our area as to whether any had come into the truth.To my greatest joy I Iocated their descendants in Bowling Green Kentucky and the great granddaughter of the person I was doing research on forwarded one of the letters she received from Br Howze to me.I emailed Weldon and he added me to his list. He was a person through his letters that you just wanted to have in your congregation. He was so encouraging and so alive in his letters.All our love to his sister and brothers and his other spiritual brothers and sisters who are grieving over the lost of a dear brother.

 All Our Christian Love

Blair and Linda Jess
Centreville Congregation
Nova Scotia
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I never met Weldon, I don't even know how I got on his email list, but through the years, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the experiences that he passed along. There is no doubt he did all this because of his love for Jehovah and love of his brothers. And reading his last letter touched my heart. May he rest for a little while, and may WE all be faithful to the end, so we can welcome him when he is raised up....
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
I met Weldon in 2004 and credit his letters, in part, for fueling my desire to expand my service to Jehovah. I had always thought of serving where the need was great, and after praying for direction, quickly found myself leaving California and arriving at a rural assignment nearly 2,000 miles away. I gratefully took Weldon’s encouraging words with me, and have since benefited from them in my current assignment. Through the years, the trials, and the triumphs, I have deeply appreciated his friendly “voice from home”, always arriving just when I needed it most.
I think it’s fair to say that his letters have helped many of us to maintain a positive view of challenges and disappointments, to focus on whatever preaching assignment we’ve been blessed with, and to cherish our spiritual legacy and our global brotherhood. Before we had JW TV, his letters helped to bring us closer together in a personal bond of union, through his untiring efforts to share the wealth of our collective experiences. Via email, he found a unique way of “keeping watch over our souls”.
C. Barrett
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
We didn't personally know Weldon, but.... we did know him.
How we're going to miss his news letters, reaching us all the way here in Namibia!! Our heart is full of sorrow...until Jehovah and Jesus bring him back.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
My heart is breaking....I have known Weldon since the 80's, I believe, if memory serves (which isn't often) and ALWAYS his company and experiences. There was one time that he may have, at least one time, even arranged the use of the Assembly Hall in Woodland Hills, CA for a special event. "Meeting in the round" 

Reading his emails were always an encouragement and most times touching the heart with tears of gratitude for not only the fact that he was thinking of me to be included, to the warmth of the experiences seeing Jehovah in action in our lives. Whether it be directly or indirectly, in reading them it really brings to mind our latest studies showing where we can draw encouragement from even present day experiences, which Weldon shared with us as often as he was able. I would need to make sure that I could cut out a good portion of time to be able to enjoy his letters (emails). I knew he took personal interest in how I felt when I would email him back and he would get right back to me, within a couple hours!!!

Jehovah truly blessed him with his talents for up-building and making us feel genuinely loved. Whenever I would see him, it was like seeing an old friend where the friendship doesn’t skip a beat regardless if you may not have seen him for a while. I don’t ever recall him complaining, even when asked how he was doing, he didn’t complain just, “…not so good.” I didn’t consider it a complaint cuz I asked how he was doing in the first place right?! 

My heart and love goes out to all family and friends who had a special place in their hearts for him. I’m gonna have to work ever harder to be able to say, “Welcome back Weldon!” (that’s if there isn’t ½ the country around him so I can’t get through to see him!)  Sending much support hugs and agape to all those 'hurting'…  
P.S. He NEVER seemed to age! Really 85?!!
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
Our dear dear Weldon, how can one possibly describe how much he
Influenced all of the lives he touched? I will write a mish mash of
thoughts that have come up into my heart and mind.

First of all I met Weldon in 1956 when I was assigned as his housekeeper at 124. This continued for several years so got to know
him quite well. When scrubbing the floors you would usually start inside and work to the doorway and then let it dry while you went on to
the next. At Weldon's room 343 I sometimes would start at the door
and go inside so I could enjoy his view and all of his collection of
inside greenery. This is where my love for interior plants had its birth
which continues to this day. His room had no dark corners but was airy and light. Wally Frankenstein, his roommate I'm sure would verify this.

My next thought is that all of the positive adjectives that apply in a human sense could be changed to verbs when describing Weldon. He never was a barrier to the free flow of Jehovah's Holy Spirit in someone else's life. He would help to open the doors for anyone to enjoy the revelation of the truth about Jehovah God and facets about him to be revealed at their pace and enjoyment. Even the most eccentric uninhibited personalities would find solace in the environment that surrounded Weldon and why Weldon was so successful in reaching many hearts that were searching for the truth. So many times he would tell me his latest experience with someone he met and the success he had in his incidental witnessing. I would think about how Weldon did this every time I missed an opportunity to do the same thing and go away empty handed. Weldon's love for people and their everlasting lives motivated him.

Another occurance of his thoughtfulness is when I was so downhearted after my husband died 16 years ago and he invited me to meet him near LA and we spent the whole day together and he just listened and we drove around looking at all of the beautiful scenery along the beach. I am sorry that I did not verbalize more to him how much that helped me cope. Others, I'm sure have similar stories. 

How can I possibly explain the number of people that I personally would direct Weldon's way when they were going close to where he lived and they too became friends with him. Or the visitors I had that I could call Weldon and ask if we could come visit for the day. Anka Thornton, Joan Gott, Barbara Andrik and Alice Thiessen Harper are names that come to mind. Or the times when Weldon would invite me to come and enjoy a visitor he had that I knew from the past. The last time this happened was about a year ago when Alice and I drove up when Wally F. was visiting him and then some surprise visitors arrived whose cruise ship made a few hour shore leave stop and there was Wally and Carole Gobitis with their friends enjoying themselves at Weldon's too. So we got a glimpse of Weldon's everyday full life. As Joyce Mannhalter said, 'if all of the people that Weldon touched were to come to his memorial a 50,000 seat stadium would not be able to hold them all'.

As you see this note could go on and on so I must stop with one more thought. Weldon was close friends with many of Jehovah's sons and Jesus brothers so when Weldon's time comes up to hear 'the call' to return to conscious life I envision many of these will petition Jesus to have them be assigned to be involved with bringing Weldon back. Wouldn't that be fun to eavesdrop on!  I hope my life's boundaries now crisscross Jehovah's timetable of future events straight through but if not I will try to follow Weldon's good example and have all of my affairs in order for easier transition.

My love to all of you as we each cherish our memories of our and Jehovah's dear friend. My prayers join all of yours for our brothers worldwide and the Governing Body members as they complete their assignment and can report to Jehovah that 'they did just so'.

In all sincerity,

Dodie Booher
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
He will certainly be missed. I never met Weldon in person, but spoke on the phone with him a number of times. I set up "" for him to make it easier to manage his sizable mailing list, and am so glad to have helped him this way. He was also on my mailing list, and responded to me many times about that. He was a personal friend of my fleshly brother, Herb, with whom he served at Bethel back in the 50s and I considered him a personal friend of mine as well.  I look forward to finally seeing him in person in the New World to come.
December 15, 2015
December 15, 2015
His experiences helped me keep my light burning bright.
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