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August 20, 2017
August 20, 2017
Gone too Soon but Never Forgotten



Well, Lord, we are sure struggling down here. Can you help us out a little? There are so many questions as to why you needed this young man in Heaven. Questions that we may never have answers to, at least not until we get to see him again. Will you tell him we love him? And tell him that we miss him? Will you ask Christopher to send his Mama and Daddy a sign that he is well? And his sister too. Please Lord, don’t forget his babies. They will need to know throughout their lives how much he loved his “ninjas”. 
We don’t know what our futures hold, but I know that you hold our future. You are the only one that knew us before we were placed on this earth, knowing then when we would leave. 
Did you need another Hero up there? Did you need his strength to help someone along? You know how many lives he touched in the short 27 years he was here. Did you decide he had completed his work on earth and it was time to rest? Tell him that there are so many here that will carry on the work he started. He went through a lot while he was here, but still kept that wonderful smile and encouraged everyone he met. He could be called on at anytime, day or night. Even while fighting his own demons, he stayed stong enough to help fight the demons of others. 
So you see, Lord, there is a lot of pain right now. Maybe one day the pain will subside, but we know it won’t ever go away. If you could just reach down and help with the pain as only you can, we would be so grateful. 
I was thinking the other day about when Christopher went through those pearly gates. I sure wish I could have seen that!! All the loved ones waiting there. His Na-na (Pat) waiting there with open arms, happy to finally hold the grandson she never got to meet on earth. His Paw-paw, (Othell) standing there with those famous words, “well, it’s about time”. His Aunt Donna, standing straight and tall, waiting for her big ole bear hug from him. And so many others. Those buddies he missed. What a reunion!!!
Well, Lord, I guess I’ve taken enough of your time. I’ll be back though! And often. Would you please lead us and help us through these trying times? Just teach us to lean on You, and on Your word. Help me to understand what I can do to help those who need it most. Tell our loved ones we miss them. Tell them we can’t wait to see them again. And if you don’t mind, just hold us a little tighter as we struggle through the why’s and what ifs.  Even if we never know the answers, we will trust in you. You said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you”, and I know this is true.  And I thank you for that.

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