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February 8, 2020
I remember my Uncle Bill as always being a very kind and generous person. As my sister Maureen stated we moved around so much it was very difficult to maintain a close relationship. I remember as a younger girl visiting his home and how cool I thought my cousins were. Later I recall him visiting us at our house in Downingtown PA. I was in my teens by then and I remember sitting out on our back porch and realizing that he had an incredible sense of humor very similar to mine. In my early forties we would email each other on occasion. I remember his email still because it was golf pro @, I am naturally not going to give the exact email address. A few years back I got my Uncle's phone number from Aunt Patrish and I called him. Unfortunately he was out on the links but he promised to call me back that night and he did. He told me how much he enjoyed his life and where he lived. He said that it was sunny and warm in the day but dropped into the 50's at night,perfect sleeping weather he said. Then he told me a story about this little Church that he passed all the time and how one day he stopped and went into visit. I believe he said that he attended that church for awhile. I know that he was a Deacon for a Church and I really enjoyed hearing about it. My Uncle was just an incredible man. My heart goes out to all of his children and extended family. I like to say that the world is not as good of a place than when he was in it.... I truly appreciate this website. It's a wonderful thing to do and I look forward to reading other people's thoughts and looking at the pictures. He is with our Lord now and he is at peace. My sincerest condolences to all who loved him. We will see him again. Peace to all of you.

Uncle Bill's smile

February 5, 2020
We were on the move so much growing up that we didn't get to see Uncle Bill and family as much as we would have liked.  I remember his smile and seeing him laughing and playing around with his children.  I especially loved hearing him talking and laughing with Dad.  I extend my deepest condolences to all of his family and all those who loved him.  I feel very fortunate to have been his niece and grateful for the love and kindnesses he shared with me and all of us.
Maureen Connelly Lucy

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