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Will Zinninger, Wickland Baptist Church and Jim and Linda Barron

August 31
My mother, Linda Barron passed away 3 weeks ago Aug 2024, and her husband, my dad, Jim Barron, had passed away Dec 2022.  I was going thru things today, and came upon a card, with letter inside from Will Zinninger from 2010.  He was giving my dad, James Barron, pastor of WICKLAND Baptist Church at Home of 3 Governors in Bardstown, an update on his own life from Bardstown.  He expressed how Dad had led him as a 16 year old to Christ.  Will was obviously proud of his family, and had included two great pictures of two of his daughters.  I remember Will for having coaxed me to jump off the High Dive at 5yrs old at the Bardstown Public Pool, and all the softball games at church picnics he motivated folks to play.  My dad definitely read and kept Will's letter and card in his office.  Thought family might like to know how much he thought of Will.

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