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October 7, 2021
October 7, 2021
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Papa. As everyone says, we miss you horribly. Your wit and charm, your talents and stories, your friendship and love are sorely missed. I personally miss our long conversations out on the porch by the pool. You and I shared some of the best moments together, of which are alive and well in my memory. You have a great birthday, as I am sure you will. I guarantee all of your Police buddies are throwing you one hell of a party. Fred might not approve, but I am sure he will get over it.

Kody and Dallas, as Veronica mentioned, are getting married today. I am sure you are so proud as we all are. They so wish you were here, but we all know you will be watching over them as they start their new life as Husband and Wife. Please be looking our for those prayers we send up your way when we are watching the ceremony. Some for the couple and some for you. Please catch them and hold them close, as they are our messages to you to let you now that you are not forgotten and are missed horribly as well as prayers that you will watch over the new couple. It will be our way of saying "hi" to you and that "we love you so much."

On a side note, we could certainly use your help on the political front. I know you see what is happening and I so miss talking to you about it. This is horrible and disgraceful and could use any advice you can send our way. I know you are not happy, nor am I. If you can muster up a Ghost moment (like the movie) and slap every one of the Biden administration people upside the head, I believe the country would be grateful. I am sure Fred wouldn't mind one bit.

OK...enough of that.....we love you Papa. We miss you Papa. Until we meet again....Godspeed to you. Happy birthday!
October 7, 2021
October 7, 2021
Happy Birthday Daddy. I miss you so much. I know I keep saying that, but that feeling will never go away. I looked for you this morning, through the darkness, thinking maybe I will see a fleeting glimpse of you. I can dream. Anyway, I hope Grandma made you a big chocolatey chocolate cake for you and you have a beautiful day in Heaven. We all love and miss you dearly. By the way, your grandson has chosen this day as his wedding date. I couldn’t think of a better date to celebrate a new life together, and I’m sure you are so proud of him and Dallas and we can all celebrate your birthday and their wedding anniversary together every year! Love you with all my heart. We know you will be here in spirit today as they say their I do’s.
July 5, 2021
July 5, 2021
Missed you yesterday July 4 just not the same without you love jean
July 4, 2021
July 4, 2021
Happy 4th of July Dad. Miss you. I remember being young, you holding my hand with the sparkler making air drawings with it and you making your Sigonella Sunsets on the grill. Those were the days. Love you always, Veronica Leigh
June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021

Dearest Bill, I spent yesterday afternoon with your dear Jeanie and beautiful daughter Veronica and your Dear Son-in-law Brian. We shared many memories of you and things we've all shared with you in the past. 
I really miss your emails, with all the goings on of "Grandpa Culpepper", I'll always have such fond memories of all our times together and on the computer communicating with each other.
Veronica and Brian have the most beautiful picture of you in a glass cabinet, and many of your items in their beautiful home, you are and always will be a big part of their lives. 
Love you and will always miss you "Dear One"! 
Arlene Stoecker
June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021
Thinking of you n your forth anniversary in heaven wish I was with you never get used to you being gone live you your girl jean
June 26, 2021
June 26, 2021
I guess I’m never going to stop remembering you on June 25th. I know it’s been 4 years, but I still miss you something awful. Always and Forever, your little girl Veronica Leigh
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
Happy Fathers Day Daddy. Wish you were here but God had other plans for you. I can still feel the happiness in my heart the excitement as I would land in Melbourne airport and running through to see you standing there waiting for me with your open arms. The smell of your skin, the smile of your love for me, the gleam of joy in your eyes, always felt it, still do. I love you always and forever. Your little girl ❤️.
June 1, 2021
June 1, 2021
Happy Memorial Day Bill I know how much it meant to you always proud of our country live and miss you jean
May 31, 2021
May 31, 2021
Daddy I know you always appreciated this day. I’m thinking of you as we gather as a family without your physical presence, we know you are always around us. Love you so much Dad. Wish you were here. Veronica Leigh
January 6, 2021
January 6, 2021
Missing you Dad. I love you so very much. Give a big hug and kiss to Aunt Dottie OK? I never got to see her before she passed. I’ll always regret that.
December 26, 2020
December 26, 2020
Another Christmas Bill. We have had a strange year (like all in 2020) but just got the word that cancer is present in Ann. Praying for good results with good docs. At 79, the fight will be a bit harder. Say a good word for us up there please, and know that you are missed still, and we do miss the stories shared. Have a good new year Bill. Wished for the family here too!
Don and Ann
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
I think of you often our dear friend and I really miss your notes from Grandpa Culpepper. I love the picture of you and Larry sitting at Roni's kitchen, what good memories I have of you !
Love you and miss you my dear friend.
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas in heaven Bill love and miss you Jean
December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020
Merry Christmas Daddy! Missing you always but especially miss hearing you yell Bah Humbug when wearing your Grinch shirt. So many great memories we can share today with the family because of you being the most wonderful loving father to us. Truly a legend in your own time! I love you so very much Dad. We all miss you, but know you’re in good hands with God and that you’ll be having your own celebration up there with the rest of the family! Love you dearly, your daughter, Veronica Leigh
December 14, 2020
December 14, 2020
Jean and Veronica, Just remembered an incident from the motorcycle trip Bill & I took through Europe, circa June '60 0r '61.

We started out together but split in Rome. I continued on through 9 Countries, Bill went back to NAF Sigonella, Sicily. This event happened when I got back to Sig!
It was late at night, no lights in the barracks. I got to my bunk, reached down and touched something (still gives me shudders) bristly! I went down to the Duty Office, borrowed a flash light and checked out what was occupying my bunk!
It was a back pack made of cow hide complete with hair!!
Of course Bill thought is was funny! A guy that worked with your Bill, Marchand, brought a German backpacker to sleep in the barracks. I never did see this guy. Marchand told Bill about this.

Later that day we had a reunion. Bill was still on leave, we both had taken thirty days. I had spent all my $164.00 on my 21 day venture. BW had exhausted his $84.00.

However we had pay checks to pick up and we decided to spend our remaining week in Taormina, but that's another bunch of memories!!

If you have any photos from that trip, I'd like to see them. I'll dig mine out and get them to you!

Love, Bill T.

November 27, 2020
November 27, 2020
Heard there's been a lot of rain in Florida, but we will perhaps see our first snow of the year this coming week in Tennessee. People are putting out the Christmas lights and decorations as we transition from autumn to Christmas decor. Scarecrow people and pumpkins will be replaced by Rudolph and Frosty, and a small Christmas tree out front on the porch. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving too. Miss ya!
November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving Bill I miss you very much love you much
November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving Daddy. I wish you were here today! I found an old email from 2005 you sent me a recipe for Grandma Lorenz’s Pearl onions, I also made her stuffing and corn fritters! I think you’d love the fritters! Greasy and crunchy! ☺️ Thank you so much for being the most wonderful dad any daughter could ask for and I miss you way too much. Love you always forever, Veronica Leigh
October 8, 2020
October 8, 2020
Hey Bill. Sorry this is late but I have had some medical stuff going on. This aging thing isn't for sissies. Just wanted to make sure that we wished you a happy day up there! Life moves on, but there are some people we want to hold on to for the memories and time shared. See ya again!
Don and Ann
October 7, 2020
October 7, 2020
Happy Birthday Daddy! The thing is, I know that you would NOT be happy about celebrating the exact number, so I won’t mention it. Just know that in my heart, I am lighting candles on a huge chocolate cake and wishing for you that all the best memories of our lives together, never leave you no matter what. I miss your wisdom, your talks, your smile, your voice, your hugs and kisses, your laugh, your advice, your support, and I could just go on. I know you are happy though, whole and healthy now forever and ever. My papa, the police officer, the pilot, the sailor, the singer, the writer, the best man I ever knew and the greatest father that ever lived. Wrapping my love all around your spirit today and may your birthday in Heaven be divine! All my love, your daughter, Veronica Leigh
October 7, 2020
October 7, 2020
Guten Tag, Gunther! It's been 60 years since we were Navy Pals at the Naval Air Facility, Sigonella, Sicily. We did a lot of things together, all of it fun!

You had some friends on the Air Field Crash Crew, mostly , Dennis Deeds of Philly. He was the most rotten guy I ever knew! I can't tell you why here! Any way we had more fun when you two were together. Both were crazy!

Once we were riding our motor cycles in a leveed flood control area with 4 tiers. Each tier was 20ft high & wide. The top one was 20 ft above a corn field.

Deeds borrowed a Vespa motor scooter from an Italian C/C member. Bill and I rode up the 45 Degree walls and turned out along the 2 foot wide top. Dennis didn't do that! When he reached the top and a 20 ft drop, he bailed off the Vespa which flew way out into the corn field!

The scooter was driveable, but distorted! That ended our fun for the day!

Happy Birthday to a 60 year Best Friend!

Bill Thom AMSC USN(retired)

June 28, 2020
June 28, 2020
Well Papa, I must say that you left your legacy behind in your daughter. You would be so proud of her, as I am, as she NEVER gives up on anything she does. She is just like you in her caring and giving to everyone she loves, and even the ones she has "second thoughts" about. OK....sometimes I need to explain current politics to her, but when she becomes informed, she has the same convictions as you do. 

I must say I really had/have only two friends that meant anything and everything to me in my life; your daughter and yourself. I miss you my friend. Fishin' just isn't the same without you, but every time I am out on the water, fishing or otherwise, I hope you here me speaking to you. I want to make sure you are updated on life down here. I know...the way it is going, I am sure are much happier where you are. I get it!

By the way.....Billy fixed up your trailer. He even has the lights working on it :-). I know they were always a pain in the ass and caused you so much trouble. You would so proud of him as well.  He has your truck running like a top, your trailer fixed like new, and your workshop in perfect condition! He makes sure his family is well cared for and loves them with all his heart; just like you!

Well....I'm going to sign off now. Just wanted to say hi as I hadn't done so on here in a while. Just keep your ear open when you see me going out on the water. That's when I feel we can connect and have a nice talk. You are, and always will be, my dear friend and continue to miss you horribly. I love you! Catch a big one (hopefully that ever evasive Snook) and grab a Natty Light for me!

Your SIL,

June 26, 2020
June 26, 2020
Hey Bill, its the mountain folks stopping by to say we still miss your presence and miss your logic and sense of humor. Since having to leave Florida, the health issues have seemed to stabilize and we now enjoy The Smoky Mountains instead of the beach and heat. We do miss our pool though! We still hear from many of the FIT kids and they often talk about the lessons they learned from you over time. You sure left your mark, and a great one indeed. Hope to see you when we get up there too! We know how much your family misses you. Keep a candle in the window!
June 25, 2020
June 25, 2020
A friend for a long time, missed more now because I live so close to where he was. Put a fishing pole in my hand and I think of bill.God bless and rest in peace
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
Daddy, happy Father’s Day belated. It’s been a long year so far. Long week too. I guess you know me. I think way too deep and of course each day this week I’ve cried thinking about how we watched you leave this world. Still rips my heart out. Tonight you left this world for a better one. I sure hope there’s room there because we are all behind you! We miss you papa. I love you so much and never forget how you made me feel so loved and needed. I’m taking care of mom the best I can. I hope it’s enough, God knows I’m trying to make this life a happy one for all of those I love around me. Please keep sending the monarch butterflies. I know it’s you. I know. You are my hero. Always and forever. Your little girl, Veronica Leigh
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
It’s 3 years Bill you are missed by everyone we love you jean
April 14, 2020
April 14, 2020
Lots going on down here Bill. You must be shaking your head in disbelief, and I know you worry about your loved ones here. We are doing the best we can and this too shall pass! Wish you were around to talk to and give us some words of wisdom! We miss you. See you soon
Don and Ann
April 12, 2020
April 12, 2020
Happy Easter in Heaven dad. It’s really not the same these days with this Coronavirus going around. Many people young and old have passed away from it. So I’m praying up towards you if you can talk to old Fred and ask him for a miracle right now, we down on earth really need it. Miss you here Dad. I love you so very much. See you soon again Your daughter, Veronica Leigh
January 3, 2020
January 3, 2020
Happy New Year in Heaven Daddy. We celebrated with your favorite meal- lobsters! It’s not the same without you but we make the best of the holidays and always think of you! You taught us how to love each other unconditionally. We are so blessed to have had you as our father.
January 2, 2020
January 2, 2020
It’s 2:00 AM in the 8th Precinct stationhouse. Bill, pencil and pad in hand, appears at the desk inquiring “Something greasy from the grille ? (Cop speak for ‘would you like a bite ordered from the Embassy Diner ?). Bill and I drove the same post car (808) before getting stationhouse desk and 32 room posts. One could not find a better co-worker or friend. I sure miss him.
December 27, 2019
December 27, 2019
Another year gone by. They seem to go so much faster these days. We are reminded that at the end of 2019, we have been given the gift of seeing another year enter, and still able to hold our loved ones in our arms. 
For you, the old journey ended, but a new one began. You are with our Lord, forever at peace in heart, soul and mind, fishing whenever you want, and being able to recant the stories we all got to enjoy so much when you were here. We will see you again Bill, but know you made a positive impact on our lives, and all those you touched along the way. Happy New Year in Heaven! 
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas Dad, I miss you every single day. I hope your Christmas in Heaven is wonderful. Some how I know it is. You have grandma and grandpa with you. We always had beautiful christmases didn’t we? And we are still keeping the traditions you taught us. Love you always forever your daughter Veronica Leigh ❤️
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas my guy Bill missing you much hope your here with us today all my love your girl Jean
December 13, 2019
December 13, 2019
To my guy Bill
It would have been 55 years this December 12 but it was not meant to be I miss you so much it gets harder each year without you but we had it all didnt we a great life many memories thank god you left me two great kids Happy Anniversary in heaven Bill til the 12 th of never your girl Jean
December 12, 2019
December 12, 2019
Happy 55th Wedding Anniversary Dad. I know you are smiling down upon us as we go about our daily lives. Moms gone through so much more since you’ve gone away, but I do believe you’ve helped her through. We are trying our best to take care of her and I think she may be on the mend. The Twelfth Of Never lives on Papa. Happy Anniversary and I love you so very much and miss you like crazy. Hugs and kisses to you.
November 1, 2019
November 1, 2019
Hi Papa,

I just read your daughters note to you. Oh how she misses you so. We all do. Life is just not the same without you here. We make due, but the hole is wide and empty. I pray that you can give Veronica some peace in your own little way. Please know that she carries on your traditions of family love, caring, and giving joy to others. You would be so very proud of her. I know I am grateful you brought such person into this world. You, my friend, have given me a gift of which I could never repay. Please save me a place by that fishing hole as we will have some great stories to share!

Take care my friend. Love you and miss you so much!

November 1, 2019
November 1, 2019
Daddy, I can’t sleep. It’s Halloween 2019. I thought of the Great Pumpkin today. How you used to make him “appear” on Halloween night after we’d watch our favorite Halloween show “ It’s the great pumpkin Charlie Brown!”. You were and still are my amazing father. Someday I know I’ll see you again. Happy Halloween Daddy! I love you. ❤️ 
October 8, 2019
October 8, 2019
Another year gone by Bill. I know your family misses you every minute of every day. You left an amazing legacy! All the laughs and stories shared will be part of us until we see you again, and we will see you again. 
Ann and Don
October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
Happy Birthday old buddy and I know you're looking down at all of us. We were lucky to have known and worked along side of you for all those years. I first met Bill when we were both assigned to Car 808 in the old 8th Pct. We were on different shifts but had the same car assigned (Bethpage). One of the smartest cops I ever knew; easy to get along with, a calming presence even under trying circumstances topped off with an amazing sense of humor. Never forgotten.
October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
Happy Birthday Bill to one of the smartest , wittiest guys I ever had the pleasure to work with , see you down the road ,
October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
Happy 78 th Birthday in heaven babe miss you love you here’s a big hug and kiss from me! All my love your girl Jean
October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
Looking back to Sept 82, when I walked into the 08.the first guy was Bill. I shook my hand and said welcome. I soon realized, that he was a special even keeled guy who could be trusted and was as dependable as a rock. he made my time there a lot easier.  Never saw him in a bad mood. I often think of him and in the photos I have he stands out as a true friend. Hey Bill. you missed your last ring. from the call box. 0-3
October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
ARTIE, When Bill & I were in Sicily circa 1962 I saw him REALLY upset!

He was looking at something under his Gilera Motorcycle and touched his forehead on the hot exhaust pipe. He hated telling people how he got the large burn mark.
Of course, all of his friends were sympathetic, NOT!
October 7, 2019
October 7, 2019
Happy Birthday Daddy! I hope you have a beautiful day in Heaven today. We celebrate who you are to us and we will never forget all the wonderful things you accomplished and gave to us. Miss you every day. I love you so much. Your little girl. ❤️
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
We shared many experiences and had the same perspectives on matters serious and those trivial. Bill instinctively knew how to keep a level head on everything in an occupation which often could be chaotic. My great pleasure was having him as a co-worker and friend. His timely sense of humor kept our ship afloat. He left us too soon, and will be always remembered.
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
Veronica, I hope and pray you and yours are doing well. I still miss Bill's insights, stories, and wit in my email inbox. The words of Gen. Patton describe Bill; "It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived."
June 26, 2019
June 26, 2019
58 years ago this date , Bill and I were riding our motorcycles from Catania, Sicily to Rome. We were actually in the Hotel Columbus, just a few yards from Vatican City. One on his Cousins(don't remember his name) was showing us around the city. When we started out, Bill had $84 and I had $165! We had NATO gas coupons, so fuel was easy. After several days , Bill decided to stay in Rome and I continued on my planned? trip through Europe.( I do remember there was 14 feet of snow in St Gottard's Pass on June 30) then; Switzerland, France, England, Scotland, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria and back into Italy and Venice.
Stopped to get Bill and he was gone! His cousins recommended a hotel and his $84 wouldn't handle that!
I got back after 21 days. I had gotten my Moto Guzzi Lodola M/C and my self on the Messina Ferry, bought a Coke and an a huge donut. Gave the rest of my money to a guy travelling with his guitar.
Bill was still on leave(we each had 30 days)and we went to the resort town Taromina.
I'll have to tell you this happening! We stayed at a Pensione(B&B) met two German girls. Bill and I spent our day at a Lido(beach). We were laughing and pounding each other as we told of our adventures. The English Lido honcho was gay and he thought Bill and I were also! He approached us one day and we told him we were waiting on some girls, we were! They didn't show up that day. The next day, as we waited outside a Cabana, the English dude came up and said, " Where are the girls? They're in the Cabana! "Oh, come on don't make yourself so proud!" Just then, CHRISTL(my daughters name) stepped out!
Gunther(Goon-ter the German way) and I stood with dropped jaws as a bikini clad, blue-eyed blonde got our attention! Then the second bikini appeared!Never saw the gay English guy again!!
Our bond lasts to this day and always will!
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