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March 18
March 18
2 years!!!!! I can’t believe it. I can’t tell you the number of times that you cross my mind. Still have a hard time believing that you are no longer with us. I miss you brother.
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Bill, it’s Thanksgiving Day brother. It is so hard to still believe that you are no longer with us. I wonder often what you are experiencing being with Jesus. And to think that you will never suffer again in any way for all eternity. Bill, you have no idea how I appreciate our relationship. It still blesses me to this day.
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Thinking of you Dad. I miss when you’d let me taste the first slice of your turkey. We made our first turkey alone today, and I think you’d be proud. Love you so much.
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Billy-Boy - As I know your family struggles today at times like I do, knowing you are no longer with us on this day when most give thanks, I can hear you telling me the only Thanks to be given and do so unceasingly, is to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
While my heart still aches over your going to see the King of Kings, I take comfort in knowing I'm a much better Father and Husband thanks to the many teachings you provided over the best friendship any one could ever had.
I miss you so much, Billy-Boy!!!!
September 12, 2023
September 12, 2023
Billy -boy

On this day many decades ago a unique human being was born. Almighty God would use him in the most powerful way for a couple decades and for reasons only known to him called him home leaving so many of us here with a piece of our heart forever gone. Words alone can never express how much I miss you Billy boy there's an emptiness that no one else can fill. Love you with all my heart and soul on this birthday day of yours
September 12, 2023
September 12, 2023
Bill, another birthday brother. Skeeeeet and I were just talking yesterday about your absence. We miss you bro.
April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023
Billy-boy No one I ever knew believe more in Devine Mercy than you. My heart remains broken without you around. But for today, the mercy you always spoke about from God will carry me through another day without you. Funny thing is, only the thought of Jesus fills that empty hole without you.
Love you my dearest friend!
March 19, 2023
March 19, 2023
One year (and one day) without you. And now we have proof that life is better with you. The other day Sam and I were talking and he told me that his girlfriend told him he is a good storyteller. We both knew that comes from you (since I cannot tell a story to save my life). Recently Miguel has pointed out that I might suffer from a little too much pride. We also acknowledged that came from you :)

Whether it is Amy being family-oriented, Kati’s wit, Brian’s strength, or mom trying to tap into your servant mentality, you have left us with many of your gifts. The best gift being each other. 

I miss you Dad. I hate the idea of living the rest of my life without you. But thank you for the many, many gifts. You will continue to live in my heart forever.
March 18, 2023
March 18, 2023
Bill, I can’t believe it’s been a year that you went to be with Jesus. Cheryl and I were talking the other day and I told her how often I think of you because it was this morning that you said you were going to call. I miss our time together on the road, at the revivals, and the laughs we had during our phone conversations. You still bless me with faithful devotion to your calling to proclaim the Good News. Remember our conversation about whoever checked out first we’d let the other know what’s happening? Well, I’m still waiting brother!
March 18, 2023
March 18, 2023
Billy -boy

It's still incredibly hard to believe you are no longer with us. A part of me is forever gone. Never have I mourned for someone like you, the greatest friend anyone could have and who loved me without conditions. I'm like a ship missing a great Captain who could help steer it through anything. I talk to you every day and still weep a lot. An emptiness that no other human can replace is in my heart and soul.
But knowing you, I should sooner laugh and go on and just focus on Jesus.
How I yearn to see you again in any form and hug you tightly.
May this most difficult day for your family be supported by all the Angels that have helped carry us all since your passing.
I don't like going to graves, but yours I will soon stand before and think about the greatest man I will ever know was buried there. I love you Billy boy!!!!!
September 12, 2022
September 12, 2022
My Dear Billy-Boy,

Oh How I wish I was sitting across from you in the Ivy League, wishing you Happy Birthday. We would of course, proceed to bust each other for the rest of the meal. I have never missed anyone, including my own mother and father, like I do you. The great many memories, and most importantly, your teachings, fill up part of the hole of you not here now, but for whatever time I have left, my heart will always leak of missing you my dearest and best friend a person could have ever had. Love you, my friend!!!!!!
September 12, 2022
September 12, 2022
Brother Bill, you can’t imagine the number of times that you cross my mind thinking of all the incredible times we spent together in ministry, the hours talking and laughing about the craziness of the things we experienced, and the endless stories of seeing God work. I miss our conversations brother. Remember how we talked about the first one to go we’d make sure to get a sign to the other… well, I’m still waiting brother. I guess you must be having to much of a good time with Jesus.
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
Two months have gone by and while the initial shock has subsided, I yearn for just a moment sitting across from you and enjoying one of the countless times we spent together. I never missed anyone, including my own mother and father, like you Billy-boy.
The only benefit of your loss is I now fully appreciate what a true blessing is from Christ even though now it's just memories I will cherish until my last breath. What I give for a few minutes of your sense of humor. Love you Billy-boy.
March 25, 2022
March 25, 2022
We are saddened to learn of Bill's passing. As golfers who are members from Westlake Golf and Country Club we came to know Bill as a friendly and outgoing staff member who will be greatly missed. He always had a cheerful greeting and would always have a joke or story to pass along. Reading his biography here, we only knew a tiny bit of his life here as a golf starter and ranger. Bill certainly had such a full and meaningful life .  Our sincere sympathy to his family, Nick and Jane Spadafino
March 23, 2022
March 23, 2022
i sat down to collect my thoughts and honor you with my words. i wanted to pen something beautiful- something creative, with metaphors and rhyming words. i wanted to compare your life to a road in a deep wood and your death to a breeze in a meadow. but… those things are not who you were. you were a man who followed Jesus, who lived in awe of the Gospel. you were someone who rejoiced in forgiveness, who whistled every tune he knew, who played golf, shopped in bulk, told corny jokes, still used a dry cleaner, never missed an oil change, always changed his brita filter, and pretended he wasn’t falling asleep in the middle of the day. you were always reading, enjoying coffee, asking questions, eagerly listening. you were a man who lived for his family. and because of that, you will never be a “were.” you will always be an “is” and an “are” because each of us has been changed by knowing you and will live on to carry everything you are around with them. maybe someday soon this will bring me comfort. that day isn’t today. i don’t have big plans for a happier day tomorrow. i don’t have any promise that the giant hole in my life will some day be filled. i know nothing of this grief or the hold it takes on me from moment to moment so i can’t predict its next move. but what i can do is promise you i will put one foot in front of the other. i will get out of bed and take care of my family. i will smile when i smell coffee. when i think of a really stupid joke, i will say it out loud. i will roll my eyes when i turn on my windshield wipers, remembering how you’d tell me to even at 36 years old. when someone asks something of me, i will give it. i will remind my kids not to have any fun. and i will try to remember to change my brita filter every 4 weeks.
i will miss you every minute until i see you again. and i will spend every minute until then trying to make sure that i do.
i love you dad. thanks for everything.
March 22, 2022
March 22, 2022
Over 25 years ago I met Bill at a school of evangelization in Pensacola, Fl. From that encounter and the profound effect that the school had on Bill, an incredible friendship developed. As Bill made a decision to become a full time Roman Catholic lay evangelist, Bill had an incredible effect upon the people he spoke to. He blessed thousands of people from all across the United States with the message of love that Jesus has for everyone. Conducting hundreds of parish missions Bill encouraged, strengthened, and challenged everyone to live their faith by being the light right where they were planted. We traveled together, preached together, prayed together, and even cried together. I am truly a blessed man for having known Bill. I will profoundly miss my friend and my brother. But I do rejoice in the fact that he has finished the race and no doubt heard the words of Jesus welcoming him in to the kingdom. "Well done my good and faithful servant". Rest in Peace my brother! Rest in peace!
March 22, 2022
March 22, 2022
Like he was for so many of us, my dad was my rock. His ability to forgive, his generosity and servant mentality were unparalleled. My dad was my Go To for everything: For helping us drive our kids to and from activities, for giving me advice in business or in my personal life, for spiritual guidance. If I called him with a flat tire, no matter where I was, he would be there. I cannot imagine a life without him, his humor, and his strength. I can hear his voice reminding me to “look around, be aware” or “remember who you are.” He will continue to inspire me to be the best version of myself, so as to let the best parts of him live on. I love you dad.
March 21, 2022
March 21, 2022
I was Bill’s secretary, for a number of years, when he was in Real Estate, ERA Homeland Realty. Bill was the kindest, most thoughtful, decent person I ever worked for. He will be missed. Rest In Peace Bill.
March 21, 2022
March 21, 2022
Bill was a long-time friend dating back to at least high school--it may have been earlier, but I don't really recall if he came to St Rose Grammar School. We spent many hours together--in school; on the basketball court (I was better!); at his parents' home in Shark River Hills; working a long time ago at Jerry Lynch's in Belmar; enjoying an occasional cocktail; and many other places and times. He was always good for a laugh or 2.
I moved away from NJ about 4 years ago and now live in Nevada. Before I left Bill and I had gotten together at the Ivy League in Howell for lunch. About 10 days ago, I received an email from Bill, just checking in. I wrote back saying I would be in NJ in September and hoped we could once again meet up and share a few laughs.
The on Saturday I received the news that Bill had passed. I am truly sorry to hear this.
I offer my deepest condolences to Cheryl and his family.
Lou Catalano---SRHS '66
March 20, 2022
March 20, 2022
Bill was like a big brother to me when we were growing up in Newark. While we spent little time together as we got older, I will cherish the times we did spend. To Cherly and family, your husband, dad and grandfather was a very special person. May he rest in peace.

With Love and respect Cousin Kevin
March 20, 2022
March 20, 2022
Bill was everything and more as a "Best Friend". I know he was sent by Almighty God into my life. While I'm truly heartbroken and having great difficulty processing the thought of life without him, I never been, nor never will be, more grateful for anybody. My life was dramatically better with Bill in and around it. Like me, he married way up. Tens of thousands heard the "Good News" in a way very few can explain it. Their souls and mine are far better off after hearing Bill. I will miss him dearly. Love you with all my heart and soul Billy-boy. God Bless the Wegner family.

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