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His Life

My Daddy

June 13, 2017

Daddy was one of the Kindest caring hard working men I've ever met in my e tore life! He worked hard all his life to provide for his family right upnuntulba month before he passed away! He was 80 yrs old and still working 60 hours a week taking care of horses. That was his passion what he loved doing his entire life. They were his babies! Family was very important to him it didn't matter what we children or grandchildren needed or any one for that matter Daddy always seen we had it! One thing the babies remember about their papaw he always had a pocket full of change and would pull it out and give to them sometimes he would have as much as $50 worth of coins. Pappaws pockets always jingled! He lived a long and healthy life for the most part. The only thing I can ever remember in 54 yrs of my life is hearing my daddy say I don't feel good or I'm tired he never complained. He went to work sick or well even with no sleep he never called in. November 3rd 2016 he was  told he possibly had lung cancer he still continued to work 60 hours a week November 28th it was confirmed thru a biopsy! I was told my father wouldn't live 4 to 6 weeks he was taken from me in 8 weeks!