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Prom Night, 1980

August 20, 2017

When I graduated from high school in 1980,  I took Wyona's daughter, Melanie, to prom.  We had dinner that afternoon at Pierces Plantation on Dulaney Valley Road.  I polished the car all morning and drove all the way accross Carroll County and Baltimore County to pick up Melanie, back in the days when there was no I-795.

When I arrived at Wyona's home, Melanie was standing at the top of the driveway in her beautiful gown, standing next to Wyona, who was carefully touching up her make-up and dress.  Wyona was quickly stitching up the bottom of Melanie's gown, and touching up her lipstick and eye shadow.  She walked us inside and took pictures of me and Melanie, and gave us both a huge hug and sent us out the door.

I never forgot Wyona, or Melanie, for the rest of my life.  Wyona was always so sweet, fun and pleasant, and always happy to see me.  The loving impression she made upon me remains with me to this day.  I will always remember Wyona for the kind and loving soul she was.  Her smile, and pleasant disposition are reflected in the beautiful eyes and smile of her daughter,  Melanie.

Be well Wyona.   God be with you, until we meet again.  May you rest in peace, in the loving arms of Christ, surrounded by those who love you, and those you have elevated and enriched with your love and kindness.

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