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September 9
September 9



September 7
September 7
September 6
September 6
今天又来看看,挺难受的。 有想一起交流下哀思的朋友,可以加我微信gcotavia, 可以拉个纪念群。
August 13
August 13
今天刚知晓林宇师兄已经去世两年了,不胜唏嘘。 Rest in Peace.
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023






P.S. 阴雨天总是下意识想起林宇,因为我们是在一个暴雨天认识的,也因为他曾幽默地讲过一个谐音梗,下雨天不打伞—“我就是喜欢淋(林)雨(宇)”。前不久看电影《长安三万里》,里面有几句诗“生者为过客,死者为归人。天地一逆旅,同悲万古尘。”,很有共鸣,我想林宇或许原本也是仙人,归去天上,以这样的方式与我们同在。
June 11, 2023
June 11, 2023
January 9, 2023
January 9, 2023

周军 01/09/2023
December 19, 2022
December 19, 2022







December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022




November 13, 2022
November 13, 2022
I've known Yu since elementary school when we both attended Olympic Math club (奥数辅导班). Then we went to same high school. We run into each other from time to time. Besides all the impressive academic achievements, Yu always has a big smile and is very considerate, and encourages people with sincere heart. I'm really sorry to learn about this tragic news. Rest in peace, my friend.
November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022
Dr Yu Lin was my COMP6240 Relational Databases lecturer in 2020. At that tough moment when everyone had to but lacked confidence to take online courses, he impressed me with his detailed and professional explanation as well as his patients on course content, which made us feel amiable and also brought us hope to move forward with our online study. It was frotunate for me to meet such a kind-hearted teacher at the beginning of my study at ANU.

Thank Dr Yu Lin for his effort professional ethics, and I will always remember him.
November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022
To Yu and Family, from our family.

All was possible,
With You it was with an EASE,
LIFE is so unpredictable,
So You remind a point,
All the GOOD remains in our hearts,
Though You are left & gone,
Wish that You'll be born among us again,
And be with us in this Samsara,
As a Kin & a Friend that never forgotten,
With a mountain of Good Deeds,
To follow and to be Remembed,
The Generous Heart You had,
Towards All did Arrived under
The umbrella of Your Great Shadow,
To be Statues of the field,
To bare the kindness You had,
To serve next gen,
To make You glitter,
High up in the field,
That we all share,
Dr. Lin will be remebered,
And never to be dead,
Till we all are alive,
And to make harmoney thrive.
November 10, 2022
November 10, 2022
7.8 billion copies of Yu

Yu's death is overwhelmingly sad for me. We have lost a person of the highest quality, in a high point in his life. If each person on earth could adopt a fraction of his kindness, initiative, patience, smarts, or dependability we would start to thrive as a species. Behind his soft exterior, Yu had a powerful moral compass, strong will, and was a truly independent thinker.

Yu was a great friend. He's one of those people that I could have trusted with anything important. He was fun to laugh with, and surprised me with his willingness to go out of his comfort zone. It was a joy when I occasionally received something in the mail, or whenever he arrived in my town.

My favorite part of working with Yu, over a tall glass of oolong tea of course, was the look that he would give me when I would propose a clearly numbskull idea!

I miss Yu, and I can't help but regret how little I've seen him in recent years. I still don't believe that I can't see him again.

From Yu on my 40th birthday:

" Krister, you will always have a guarantee of tomorrow; it is already tomorrow here in Australia. Ask Bernard for yesterday once more :-) "
November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022




林宇是有才气的人:本科在中科大获得郭沫若奖学金;研究生时我们一起提出了推断蛋白质质谱规律的” framentation event model”,一起提出了估计氨基酸脱氨/脱水概率的EM算法;博士期间和Moret教授一起提出了估计进化距离的新算法、重构进化树的方法,与邵明富一起提出了估计进化距离的整数线性规划算法;后来和Pavel一起提出了repeat graph以及使用长测序读段进行de novo拼接的FLYE算法。










November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022










November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022
Yu Lin is our COMP6240 teacher, who impresses us with his sense of humor and his professional knowledge, we finished this course today, yet we are still deeply saddened by his passing. I would like to send my sincere thanks and condolences to Dr. Yu Lin,林宇博士,谢谢您对于数据库课程的付出,我们永远不会忘记那些课堂上共度的时光,愿您安息。May you RIP.
November 6, 2022
November 6, 2022
I was on the hiring committee that appointed Yu, so my first meeting with him was his job interview. He was an absolute standout at every level! I was thrilled (and pleasantly surprised) when he accepted our offer and chose to move to ANU to work in an area that was new for our school. During all these years with us, he continued to do outstanding research, and taught large classes with an ease that was uncommon. He also didn't hesitate to help and support others. He was such a talented, nice, calm, and humble researcher. I will think of him often.
November 4, 2022
November 4, 2022
Yu was a dear friend and mentor of mine. We met in 2018, shortly after I joined ANU. Yu gave me lots of useful advice about teaching and research, and gave me some introduction of the university and school. Both myself and Yu taught large classes (Yu's class is even larger then mine). We discussed a lot about this. I also remember Yu told me he asked students to give feedback after every lecture and that he would carefully read the feedback and make changes. What a wonderful teaching he is!!

Yu was a modest person but did outstanding research. He always smiled and did not put presure on people. He published outstanding papers in the best venues (and a NeurIPS in 2022). His research was cutting edge. To honor him, I picked one of his papers to my lecture - his academic and personal spirit is something I should learn from.

Yu also gave advice to my wife when she felt confused in her career. My family missed him!!
November 2, 2022
November 2, 2022
Supportive and reliable colleague
Yu was a very approachable and knowledgeable person, who gave me sound advice regarding the merit of credit applications I was assessing when they contained database related courses. He also oversaw the ANU/SDUW teaching initiative where I was teaching a course. He had wise counsel for various aspects of my course. He was friendly and unassuming, while being brilliant at what he does. I will miss chatting to him. RIP Yu.
November 2, 2022
November 2, 2022
A Friendly and Reliable Colleague

I first heard about Yu from my PhD student Wei when I was with the School of Engineering. My student introduced Yu as a young and talented researcher in Bioinformatics and a very kind person. I knew Yu more after I joined School of Computing. He is always friendly and nice person to talk to. We have been working together in the scholarship ranking process for HDR students since 2021. Yu is responsible and reliable when we are discussing all applications. Yu is also a senior colleague who always likes sharing his experience. I still remember the conversations we had during the last Christmas party and he kindly shared his advice regarding the tenure conversion process and preparations. I was shocked and deeply saddened by the news of Yu’s passing. He will always be remembered as a great colleague. RIP.
October 26, 2022
October 26, 2022
Yu was one of my office neighbours on the fourth floor of our building when I came back to ANU in 2019. I was so impressed by his calm approach to academic life and his commitment to teaching well, researching well, and serving our school. I will really miss him.
October 26, 2022
October 26, 2022
Dr Yu Lin was a shining star in accelerating the 3rd generation long read sequencing. I welcomed his large contributions to this field upon his recruitment to ANU and was fortunate to work with him to generate and analyse noisy data with confidence that it could be informative long before this was well known. Yu's contribution to research and teaching touched many and his tools will ultimately enable us crack open the evolutionary and functional mysteries of the microbiome! Vale Dr Yu Lin, we all miss you.
October 26, 2022
October 26, 2022
I first met Yu during his interview visit in 2016. I vividly remember his job talk and the opening analogy of blowing up a stack of NYTimes paper and trying to put them back using the pieces -- a lively explanation of genome assembly for outsiders. The whole of his talk and interview portrays one of the highest levels of curiosity and purity in intellectual pursuit I have seen, and the impression lasted until this day.

After Yu joined the school and I got to know him a little better, I could not help but being curious on reasons one of the top young researchers of bioinformatics chose to join ANU, on an entirely new continent different from any of his previous adventures (Asia, Europe, North America). Yu shared that he saw ANU's intellectual environment as compatible with his personality and pursuit. In the years that follow, Yu's actions more than validated his initial vision. The database course was new to him, but over a few years he poured his heart and mind into both the content and organisation, won the respect and raving reviews of the massive and diverse student body, and embraced it intellectually by completing a few research projects. Although Yu's work resulted in a number of high-profile publications, such as PNAS and Nature journals, I have never heard him brag about them. Whenever we talked about research what he conveyed was the pure joy of making important advances in a new problem (Metagenomics, applied to monitoring coral reefs), or applying his cool algorithms to locally and societally relevant problems (understanding Australian reptiles). The last 3 years has not been kind to adventurous spirits like Yu, we shall keep his cheerful spirits with us when we travel, and hope these spirits help fulfil his wishes to visit Sri Lanka (where a number of his students were from) and travel around Australia and other parts of the world.

I will miss sending Yu an algorithm problem and getting an insightful reply promptly, I will sorely miss his calm smiles in the shared professional life of the school. There are big vacuums left by Yu's passing, he will be missed.

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