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My little chess genious

March 25, 2019

I will never forget after he taught himself how to play chess and he finally signed up for the first nationwide tournament. 

We were in downtown Philadelphia and I remember waiting hours and hours and hours for him to come out and thinking how wonderful it is for my son to have such patience to be playing for so many hours.

 I was crossing my fingers and praying the entire time so that he would place, as he worked so hard for this. 

I remember walking in such nerve racking anticipation to check out the placing list and he seeing he placed 6th out of 186 people!!! I was so elated and so incredibly proud of him❣️

Yet to my painful surprise I’ll never forget how disappointed he was with himself when he should’ve been so proud of himself. 

He was always such a high achiever and perfectionist. I just wish he hadn’t felt he had to be so perfect

I love you and miss you so much sweetheart, my sweet angel. I will never forget you and I will be with you every day until I can hold you in heaven.

When I met Zach

September 18, 2017

He was just another person at first.
I remember sitting in a circle singing "torn" he never took his eyes off me.. he told me "it was beautiful" and from there I knew He was Kind.. More than anyone I knew at that moment in my life.
Zach, was not like everyone else, he was very special.
His smile would wipe anyones tears away and could heal the pain someone felt.
He had the ability to be so kind, when this world is so cruel...
I appreciate the kind of person he was, because he shown me that even when everything seems terrible there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Zach, found the light... too soon. Zach, you will NEVER be forgotten. Your story will be told. I love you. My friend, My Heart.

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